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  • 1.
    Aase, Laila
    Universitetet i Bergen.
    Fagdidaktikk og skoleutvikling i Norge2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 9-17Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 2.
    Alexandersson, Mikael
    Göteborg University.
    Professionsinriktad forskarutbildning som grund för utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 19-30Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Alvegård, Christer
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Anderberg, Elsie
    Lunds universitet.
    Svensson, Lennart
    Lunds universitet.
    Johansson, Thorsten
    Uppsala universitet.
    Användning av uttryck och innebörd i relation till uppfattning av ett fysikaliskt fenomen och dess didaktiska implikationer2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 77-87Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 4.
    Andersson, Stefan
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Egentligen inte till arbetsmarknadens förfogande?2008In: Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 17-34Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Attorps, Iiris
    University of Gävle.
    Concept definition and concept image: in the case of equations2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 89-97Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 6.
    Bach, Frank
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Wallin, Anita
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Ämnesdidaktiska teorier: är det undervisningsteorier?2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 99-109Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 7.
    Bergöö, Kerstin
    Kristianstad University College, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Högskoleförlagt och verksamhetsförlagt: lärarutbildning i svenska för grundskolans tidiga år2007In: Eskilsson, O., Redfors, A. (red), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 111-120Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 8.
    Dahlqvist, Claes
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre.
    Larsson, StefanKristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre.
    Lärarlärdom 2018: Högskolan Kristianstad2018Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Konferensen Lärarlärdom 2018 genomfördes den 16 augusti på Högskolan Kristianstad. Lärarlärdom är en samarbetskonferens mellan Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och Högskolan Kristianstad och går av stapeln varje år strax innan höstens terminsstart. Konferensen erbjuds som en mötesplats för våra anställda där alla kan träffas för kvalificerade samtal kring kvalitet i undervisning och lärande inom högre utbildning.Vi ser gärna att alla som på något sätt deltar i utvecklingen av våra utbildningar och studenter tar plats på konferensen; Lärare, forskare, doktorander, studieadministratörer, bibliotekarier och personal i olika stödfunktioner som genom åren byggt upp en gedigen kunskap om och reflekterad erfarenhet kring lärande inom högskola och universitet. 2018-års tema var Hållbar utveckling i högre utbildning. Huvudtalare på konferensen var universitetslektor Sally Windsor, nu verksam vid Göteborgs Universitet, Institutionen för Didaktik och Pedagogisk Profession. Utifrån temat satte Windsor en ram för vad hållbarhetsfrågan omfattas av för ett lärosäte idag och hur lärare kan tänka kring implementeringen i undervisningen. Torsdagen den 15 augusti 2019 är det Blekinge Tekniska Högskola som är värd och konferensen äger rum i Karlskrona. Denna gång är även Malmö Universitet inbjudna att delta. Håll utkik på där mer information och aktuellt tema finnas tillgängligt.Utöver själva konferensbidraget har alla som önskar möjligheten att i efterhand publicera fullständiga Papers kring det ämne som presenterades på konferensen. Flera valde även denna möjlighet och deras bidrag finns att läsa på de följande sidorna.

    Mycket nöje!

    Stefan Larsson

    Högskolepedagogisk utvecklare, Högskolan Kristianstad

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  • 9.
    Einarson, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society, Avdelningen för Design och datavetenskap.
    Progressioner inom en projekt-baserad kurs baserad på principer från Software Engineering och CDIO2013In: Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2013 i Kristianstad / [ed] Stefan Larsson, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 6-25Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    För att möta kraven hos anställda inom industrin för moderna datorbaserade produkter behöver utbildningsanstalterna ge studenter möjlighet att ta till sig av såväl fundamentala och långlivade teorier som de  senaste teknikerna. Detta är dock inte tillräckligt. Storskaliga produkter kräver samverkan mellan grupper av  utvecklare och detta faktum i sig självt sätter fokus på ytterligare utmaningar.  Själva arbetsprocessen måste  synkroniseras, kommunikationen mellan utvecklare måste vara effektiv, osv. För att förbereda studenter på även  sådana utmaningar måste således utbildningsanstalterna dessutom anpassa undervisningen så att även arbeten i  projektgrupper, kommunikation inom dessa, styrning av arbetsprocesser, förhållningssätt, mm,  ges lämpliga utrymmen.

    CDIO är ett världsomspännande innovativt utbildningsramverk för att producera nästa generation av ingenjörer. I fokus för detta står projektbaserade undervisningsformer. Speciellt bejakar man arbetsfaserna Concieve (C), Design (D), Implement (I) och Operate (O), där man via dessa utvecklar en produkt som ska ha tillräckliga inslag av svårighet och komplexitet för att efterlikna de utmaningar man har i utveckling av verkliga produkter. Bakgrunden till detta initiativ ligger en identifiering av ett signifikant problem i teknikindustrin där man sett att utbildning av ingenjörer mestadels utgår från teoretiserade problem. Man har alltså ett gap mellan utbildningen och  teknikindustrins krav. Vidare kräver reell produktutveckling samarbeten i arbetsteam, där även detta poängteras som CDIO-synvinkel.

    Detta bidrag har tre huvudsyften. Dels kommer det att presentera CDIO och begrepp som förekommer inom detta. Dels kommer exempel ges på en kurs i Software Engineering, som kan ses som särskilt CDIO- inspirerad. Kursen har i sin form tre år bakom sig, där stegvis utveckling gjorts speciellt med fokus på att förbättra arbetsprocessen.  Inspiration för progression av kursen har tagits såväl från CDIO som från området för Software Engineering. Inspiration från Software Engineering bör ses utifrån de barnsjukdomar och mognadsprocesser denna fortfarande tämligen nya disciplin har bakom sig. Därför kommer även detta att belysas. Vidare kan materialet bakom detta bidrag även delvis ses som en sammanställning  av tre på varandra följande konferensbidrag till internationellt hållna CDIO-konferenser.

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  • 10.
    Eskilsson, Olle
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Department of Mathematics and Science.
    Redfors, AndreasKristianstad University, Department of Mathematics and Science. Kristianstad University, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA).
    Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 20062007Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Den 4-5 maj 2006 anordnade Högskolan Kristianstad i samarbete med det nationella nätverket för ämnesdidaktik Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv, den tredje Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik.

    Den ämnesdidaktiska forskningen syftar till att öka kunskapen om undervisning och lärande i specificerade och tydligt avgränsade ämnesinnehåll. Den söker inte efter innehållsoberoende beskrivningar på en generell nivå, utan istället karakteriseras forskningen av en insikt om det specifika innehållets avgörande betydelse för lärande och undervisning.

    Konferens genomfördes i nätverkets anda och såväl ämnesspecifika som ämnesblandade sessioner genomfördes. Stimulerande diskussioner upp­kommer då forskare från olika ämnens ämnesdidaktik träffas och bryter perspektiv. Ett internationellt perspektiv var speciellt i fokus denna gång.

    På konferensen gavs sex plenarföreläsningar och det presenterades ca 60 forskningsprojekt om lärande och undervisning i skola och högskola av författare från de nordiska länderna. Huvuddelen av svenska högskolor och universitet var representerade. Nationella, nordiska och internationella projekt presenterades och diskuterades.

    I denna konferensbok presenteras ett urval av de på konferensen presenterade projekten. Urvalet är baserat på kvalitet och representativitet.

  • 11.
    Grevholm, Barbro
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Department of Mathematics and Science.
    Johnsen, Veslemöy
    Högskolen i Agder.
    Berg, Claire
    Högskolen i Agder.
    Forskning under lärarpraktik i matematik2007In: Eskilsson, O., Redfors, A. (red), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Högskolan Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 121-132Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 12.
    Gullberg, Annica
    et al.
    Högskolan i Gävle.
    Kellner, Eva
    Högskolan i Gävle.
    Attorps, Iiris
    Högskolan i Gävle.
    Thorén, Ingvar
    Högskolan i Gävle.
    Tärneberg, Roy
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Lärarstudenters uppfattning om elevers begrepp om gas2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 133-142Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 13.
    Gustavsson, Laila
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment.
    Att bli bättre lärare: hur undervisningsinnehållets behandling blir till samtalsämne lärare emellan2008Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis reports results from a study that focuses on teachers’ professional development during an in-service training period.   The aim is to analyse and describe how the teachers talk about and handle lesson content. The first question concerns changes in relation to a specific object of learning. The second question concerns how they relate to a theoretical framework and the third question concerns differences in the students’ learning outcome and if it can be understood in relation to the teachers’ development.   The variation theory is the theoretical framework that is used for lesson planning as well as when analysing results. The basis of the study is that learning always is the learning of something and that the teachers’ activity as well as the students’ activity constitutes the space of variation that decides what is possible to learn concerning a delimited object of learning, i.e. the enacted object of learning. The object of learning is seen as a capability and it can be defined by its critical features. The constitution of the meaning aimed for the critical features of the object must be discerned. The intentional object of learning describes the teachers’ intention with the lesson, and the lived object of learning is what the students really discerned. The theoretical assumption is that learning always assumes an experienced variation where learning is seen as a change in the learners’ possibility to experience the world in a certain way. You have to have experienced a phenomenon’s variation to understand its meaning, i.e. what we experience is how something differs from something else.   The method is Learning study and it can be described as a hybrid of the Japanese Lesson study and Design experiment. A Learning study is theoretically grounded and the primary focus is on an object of learning. The learning study group consisted of three teachers and most often two researchers. Each member had equal status in the group. The object of learning seen from the teachers’ perspective was the variation theory that was gradually introduced by the researchers. The empirical material was generated from audio-taped discussions and from videotaped lessons.   The findings should be seen as a contribution to the discussion about teachers’ professional development. The teachers participated in a collective construction of professional knowledge and it can be stated that the teachers had no problem changing their discussions to focus on a specific object of learning when the theoretical framework was used in relation to their own practices. Another finding is that the change in how the teachers handled the object of learning influenced the students’ learning in a positive way although the results were subtle.

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  • 14.
    Holmqvist, Mona
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Learning Design (LeaD).
    Lindgren, Gunilla
    Går det att översätta min och mitt med my respektive mine?: en studie av elevers sätt att förstå engelska possesiva pronomen2007In: Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006 / [ed] Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 143-151Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 15.
    Jannisa, Gudmund
    Kristianstad University College, School of Teacher Education.
    Layers of silence: an outline of a history of East Timor's women2008In: Naranjo, E. (red.), Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 75-105Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Karlsson, Leif
    Kristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre.
    Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2011 i Kristianstad2012Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
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  • 17.
    Karlsson, Leif
    Kristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre.
    Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2011 i Kristianstad: inledning2012In: Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2011 i Kristianstad / [ed] Leif Karlsson, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2012, p. 1-3Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 18.
    Larsson, Stefan
    Kristianstad University, Learning Resource Centre.
    Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2013 i Kristianstad2013Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Konferensen Lärarlärdom utgör sedan ett antal år ett forum för kunskapsoch erfarenhetsutbyte  kring lärande  och undervisning  i högre utbildning och är tänkt som en plattform för pedagogisk meritering i det akademiska systemet.   Konferensen   arrangeras   i   samarbete   mellan   Kristianstad Högskola och Blekinge Tekniska Högskola.

    Lärare,  forskare,  doktorander,  studieadministratörer,   bibliotekarier  och personal i olika stödfunktioner har genom åren byggt en gedigen kunskap och  reflekterad  erfarenhet  kring  lärande.  Konferensen  erbjuds  som  en mötesplats där alla kan träffas för kvalificerade  samtal kring kvalitet i ut- bildningen och i lärandet.

    Lärarlärdom  2013  genomfördes  den 21 augusti  och samlade  ett 50-tal deltagare. Vi vill här också tacka vår Key note Stefan Hrastinski, docent vid Institutionen  för medieteknik  och interaktionsdesign  och Institutionen för lärande,  Kungliga  Tekniska  Högskolan.  Stefan  höll  ett inspirerande anförande  kring  "innovativt  lärande  i en öppen  värld"  som bland  annat belyste internets betydelse  som bärare av vardagsnära  lärande, utanför formella utbildningsinstitutioner.

    I  denna  skrift  presenterar  några  av  konferensdeltagarna   sina  tankar  i egna artiklar. Vi hoppas på givande läsning inom ett högaktuellt ämnesområde.

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  • 19.
    Leppänen, Vesa
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Dahlberg, Lars
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Arbetsvillkor och trivsel bland anställda inom hushållsnära tjänster2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The number of  domestic workers decreased continuously in Sweden over the course of  the twentieth century. As a share of the total workforce, the proportion of waged domestic workers had fallen to 2.9% in 1950 and 0.05% by 1990, largely because of the mechanization of domestic work, the growth of public child-care and eldercare, a shortage of labour, and increased taxes on labour. Yet at the end of the twentieth century the demand for domestic services increased, and there were signs that the informal sector was growing. In 2007 the Swedish Parliament decided to make domestic services—domestic cleaning, cooking, clothes care, snow removal, gardening, child-care, and help with personal hygiene—tax deductible for private persons. For many this reduced the cost of home help by 50%. The reform started a political debate (the ‘maid debate’), with opponents of  the reform arguing it would create a new, low-pay sector of  female and immigrant workers, characterized by asymmetric power relations between families and domestic workers, exploitation, and bad working conditions in general. Following the reform, the number of  domestic service businesses and employees increased rapidly. In the second half  of  2007, 46,000 people applied for the tax deduction, and by 2011 their number was almost 416,000. From 2009 to 2011, the number of hours of waged domestic work doubled to the equivalent of 61,400 full-time jobs a year.

    A previous report, which was based on the same data used here, describes various characteristics of the workers (for example, gender, age, birth, educational background, previous career, reasons for taking the job, and experience of  informal work in the domestic sector) (http://hkr.diva- ?pid=diva2:556163). The present study describes working conditions and job satisfaction among domestic workers employed by Swedish firms. The empirical data were collected by means of a questionnaire sent to employees of companies with five or more employees in the four southernmost counties of Sweden (Skåne, Blekinge, Halland, and Kronoberg), which together have a population of 1.9 million out of national total of 9.45 million. A total of 249 questionnaires were returned by domestic workers from 86 companies.

    Almost 70% of respondents were in permanent employment. About 80% were female (of the total workforce in Sweden, 88% of men and 83% of women were in permanent employment, and among cleaners in general 64%). About 28% said they had managerial functions. One possible explanation for this high percentage was that their workplaces were rather small and geographically scattered (about 30% reported their workplaces had 5–9 employees, and 36.5% reported that their workplaces had 10–19 employees.)

    About 54% work full time (35 hours or more per week). According to a national survey in Sweden, 76.6% of the workforce work full time. Male domestic workers are more likely to work full time (76%) than female workers (about 49%), and those with managerial functions work are more likely to work full time (74%) than those without managerial functions (47%). Of those who work fewer than 30 hours per week, only 43% reported that their employer could not offer them more hours.

    Most of the respondents did routine, weekly domestic cleaning (89%). A majority also did one- off cleaning (62%) and end-of-tenancy cleaning (58%), and about half of them also did window cleaning (46%). Other common tasks were clothes care and shopping. Only a small proportion reported providing care for the elderly (7.7%), the disabled (1.2%), or children (2%). One explanation for the low percentage of care work is that the public sector provides most of these services in Sweden, while such gaps as exist are largely covered by private care companies (funded by the public purse).

    Tasks are divided by gender. For example, 34% of male workers did odd jobs, compared to 3.5% of the female workers, and while almost 48% of the male workers shovelled snow, only 8% of the female workers did. The female workers performed tasks that are traditionally considered to be female, namely routine domestic cleaning, one-off cleaning, clothes care, and child-care and eldercare.

    Most of the domestic workers’ wages included time spent travelling between jobs (73%) and most of them had their travel costs paid for by their employers (84.5%). Most of them took their breaks in other places than their company’s break room (74%).

    When asked about their relationships with managers, 90.5% agreed with the statement that they received help and support from their managers (compared with a national survey of  general cleaners in Sweden, of whom 28% said they rarely or never received support from supervisors); 74% agreed with the statement that they planned their work with their supervisors (again, 22% of  general cleaners in the national survey said they had difficulty getting information from their supervisors about what should be given priority); and when asked about their relationships with co-workers, 86% agreed with the statement that they got help and support from their co-workers. About 50% agreed with the statement that they did not meet their co-workers often enough, although not all domestic workers longed for co-workers: 20% said they took the job because it entailed little interaction with co-workers. Meanwhile, 19% took the job because it entailed few interactions with customers.

    In the ‘maid debate’ prompted by the Swedish Parliament’s deliberations about the tax reform, opponents argued it would create a new and exploitative low-pay sector for female and immigrant workers, with poor working conditions. The debate thus contributed to the public image of working conditions in domestic service as generally bad. We therefore asked the respondents if they felt that others looked down upon their work, and 25.5% agreed with the statement, while almost 9% said that they were ashamed of their work and chose not tell others what they did for a living.

    This public image and the shame felt by some of the domestic workers are in sharp contrast to how they felt about the work per se. Almost 94% agreed with the statement ‘I enjoy my work’, and 78% with the statement that the work was more fun than they thought it would be. When asked what they thought was best about their work, the most common answer referred to customers in some way (57%)—for example, meeting them, helping them, and pleasing them. The second source of satisfaction was flexibility and self-determination (43%)—for example, being able to influence how many hours they had to work, when to work, and how to do the work. In answering another question, 85% agreed with the statement that they preferred cleaning because the hours were flexible. A large number said that the work was varied, that they liked the contact they had with their supervisors, and that it was a form of physical exercise.

    When asked about the worst aspects of their work, many said it was stressful (24%), physically demanding (21%), and low paid (11%), and that some customer interactions could be difficult.

    Given the well-documented health risks of cleaning work, we asked if they thought their work affected their health: 31% agreed with the statement that the work had an adverse effect on their health, and about 50% agreed with the statement, ‘I believe my work will have an adverse effect on my health in the long term’.

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  • 20.
    Leppänen, Vesa
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Dahlberg, Lars
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society.
    Vilka arbetar med vita hushållsnära tjänster?2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The number of domestic workers decreased continuously in Sweden during the 20th century. In 1950 their share of the total workforce had decreased to 2,9% and in 1990 to 0,05%. Important causes were mechanization of domestic work, growth of public child- and elderly care, shortage of labour and increased taxation of labour. But at the end of the 20th century demand for domestic services increased and there were indications that the informal sector was growing. In 2007 the Swedish parliament decided to introduce a tax deduction for private persons who buy domestic services, for instance domestic cleaning, cooking, care of clothes, shoveling snow, gardening, child care and help with personal hygiene. For many this meant a decrease of costs with 50% when purchasing domestic services. The number of businesses and employees increased rapidly. In the second half of 2007 there were 46 000 persons who applied for tax deduction and in 2011 their number was almost 416 000. From 2009 to 2011 the amount of work hours in this sector doubled to the equivalent of 6400 full time jobs per year. At the same time, tax authorities report the informal sector has decreased only marginally.

    This study describes who have been employed in the new formal domestic sector in Sweden. Empirical data was collected by means of a questionnaire sent to employees in companies with five or more employees in the four southernmost counties of Sweden (Skåne, Blekinge, Halland and Kronoberg). (Sweden has a population of 9,45 million and the population of these counties is 1,9 million.) A total of 249 questionnaires were returned from domestic workers in 86 companies.

    The results show that 40% work in “big cities”, 45% in “small towns” (45%) and 11% in “villages.” Most of them work at workplaces with 5-9 employees (29,7%), 10-19 employees (36,5%) or 20- 49 employees (15,7%). A high majority were employed in the last five years, i.e. after the tax deduction was introduced (82,6%). Mainly women work in this sector (80,6%) and their mean age is 42 years and 3 months. Most of them are born in Sweden (77,6%). Although the percentage of immigrants (22,4%) is higher than in the Swedish work force in total (15,2%) it is as high as among nurses assistants, home helps and personal care attendants (22%) but lower than among cleaners in general (44%). One possible explanation for the high number of native born workers in this sector may be that employers and customers demand workers who master the Swedish language. In other types of cleaning (hotels, restaurants, factories, etc.) communicative skills may not be as decisive as in domestic work. In four questions respondents were asked to assess how well they understand, speak, read and write Swedish. In all four questions between 32,9 and 44,1% of immigrants responded they master Swedish ”very good” and between 44,1 and 57,6% replied they master Swedish “fairly well”.

    The educational background of domestic workers is lower than in the population in general but considerably higher than among cleaners in general. 21,6% of them finished elementary school without any further education in comparison to the workforce in general (11,2%) and cleaners (about 40% according to three different studies). 69% of domestic workers had finished elementary school and gymnasium and/or vocational school.

    A minor part were unemployed at the time they accepted their current employment (28,1%) and a majority of them were unemployed six months or longer before they were employed. A large share were employed elsewhere at the time of employment (58,3) (but most of these looked for new jobs at the time due to threatening unemployment, insufficient work hours, companies planned to move their businesses to other parts of the country, etc.) 37,2% of domestic workers had similar tasks at their immediately previous workplaces.

    A large share had, at one point or another in their previous careers, had low skilled jobs. Many had worked as cleaners (40,7%), as carers of children, disabled and elderly (43,1%), in restaurant kitchens (12,5%), and customer service in restaurants (16,2%). 33,8% had worked in factories. Very few had had jobs that demanded higher education (2,8%). Thus a major part of domestic workers had previous experience of jobs where they handled other people´s dirt. It may be that having experienced working with others dirt creates an important background for readiness to accept a job in this sector and how it is experienced.

    A high majority had not actively looked for jobs in this line of business (78,3) but happened to end up in it. Most of them were told about the companies and their need for staff through informal channels (72%). In 17,8% domestic workers were informed by staff at unemployment agencies or their homepages.

    There were a number of reasons for accepting the job offer: A large share agreed to the statement saying “had to take this job for economical reasons” (46%). Slightly more than half agreed to the statement saying that the job allowed them to “work more hours than before” (53,9%) and slightly more than half agreed to the statement “I am well-paid” (50,4%). An important reason to accept the job offer was that work hours are flexible and allow a high degree of self-determination: 85,1% agreed with the statement “I like that the work hours are flexible” and 80,3% agreed with “work was possible to combine with my family life”. Another reason for accepting the job offer was that it allowed them to work alone (20,9%) and not meet customers (19,1%). Another reason was that they liked to work with domestic service (65,5%). At the same time 36% said they accepted the job offer while waiting for something better to turn up.

    16,7% had, at one point in time or another, worked in the informal sector and 8,6% agreed with the statement that they accepted the job offer because they wanted to stop working informally. 4% had taken on tasks paid for informally as part of their current employments. 22% said customers sometimes ask them to work informally.

    This study describes who has been employed in the new formal domestic sector in Sweden, more precisely firms with 5 or more employees. It is likely that the work force in smaller companies is composed differently, with a generally lower educational background, a higher number of immigrants and lower skills in the Swedish language. It is likely that the work force in the informal sector also consist of persons with a generally lower educational background, a higher number of immigrants, of which many have lower skills in the Swedish language but also paperless immigrants and other groups with low prospects for paid employment in the formal economy.

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  • 21.
    Linnarud, Moira
    Karlstads universitet.
    Språkdidaktisk forskning i Sverige: smältdegel eller salladsskål?2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 31-39Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 22.
    Masche, J. Gowert
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Humanvetenskap. Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön ForFame.
    Siotis, Camilla
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Humanvetenskap. Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön ForFame.
    Barns cyklande på båda sidor om Öresund: en vetenskaplig undersökning inom projektet Öresund som cykelregion2011Report (Other academic)
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  • 23.
    Mattisson Ekstam, Jane
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Humanvetenskap.
    Teachers’ written feedback and the formation of scholarly identity: a case study2013In: Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2013 i Kristianstad / [ed] Stefan Larsson, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 58-71Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    My paper focuses on two forms of teachers’ written feedback: direct,  i.e.  correction   of  errors,  including   grammar,   punctuation   and spelling;  and indirect,  which  identifies  but does  not correct  problems  – either real or potential.  I argue that the two forms, when they are com- bined,  have  an important  role to play in guiding  students  to an under- standing  of what  constitutes  a "good"  written  text  in English.  Such  an understanding  is an important  element  in the overall  goal of academic writing, which is not only to produce a text that satisfies the requirements of  the  examiner  but  also  to  create  and  promote  a  distinct  and  stable scholarly identity – an aspect of writing that is often neglected in studies of writing. Unlike much research on the subject, my article focuses on an individual student, a Chinese postgraduate of English at Kristianstad University.

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  • 24.
    Mattisson, Jane
    Kristianstad University, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Chinese essay writing: a special challenge for universities in the West: a discussion of Chinese students' essay writing traditions and Western praxis2007In: Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006 / [ed] Eskilsson, O., Redfors, A., 2007, p. 153-160Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 25.
    Mattisson, Jane
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment.
    Literary theory in the postgraduate classroom: its role and challenges2012In: Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2011 i Kristianstad / [ed] Leif Karlsson, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2012, p. 5-10Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 26.
    Meckbach, Jane
    Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH.
    Idrottsdidaktisk forskning: inblickar och utblickar2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 41-51Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 27.
    Miliander, June
    Karlstad universitet.
    Svenska 11-åringar skriver på engelska: fri skriftlig produktion i Nationella utvärderingarna av engelska i år 5, 1989 och 20032007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 161-173Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 28.
    Mäkitalo, Kerstin
    et al.
    Luleå tekniska universitet.
    Palo, Annbritt
    Luleå tekniska universitet.
    Litteratur som gräns eller bro för pojkar och flickor i gymnasieskolan: litteraturpedagogik och skrivpedagogik som redskap för identitetskonstruktion2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 175-184Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 29.
    Naranjo, Eduardo
    Kristianstad University College, School of Teacher Education.
    Den kapitalistiska utvecklingen och den katolska etiken2008In: Naranjo, E. (red.), Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 107-126Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Naranjo, Eduardo
    Kristianstad University College, School of Teacher Education.
    Förord2008In: Naranjo, E. (red.), Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 9-11Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Naranjo, Eduardo
    Kristianstad University College, School of Teacher Education.
    Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum2008Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Nilsson, Bo
    Kristianstad University, Department of Behavioural Sciences.
    Barns musikaliska läroprocesser: en studie av barns musikaliska lärande i praktiken2007In: Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006 / [ed] Eskilsson, O., Redfors, A., Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 185-194Conference paper (Refereed)
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  • 33.
    Norén, Eva
    Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm.
    Matematik på modersmål eller på två språk2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 195-207Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 34.
    Nygren, Thomas
    Umeå universitet.
    Vis av erfarenhet: olika strategier för undervisning i historia2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 209-220Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 35.
    Olivestam, Carl E.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Värdegrunden i lärarutbildningens allmäna kurser2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 221-230Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 36.
    Olteanu, Constanta
    Umeå Universitet.
    "Vad skulle x kunna vara?": andragradsekvation och andragradsfunktion som objekt för lärande2007Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Algebraic equations and functions play an important role in various mathematical topics, including algebra, trigonometry, linear programming and calculus. Accordingly, various documents, such as the most recent Swedish curriculum (Lpf 94) for upper secondary school and the course syllabi in mathematics, specify what the students should learn in Mathematics Course B. They should be able to solve quadratic equations and apply this knowledge in solving problems, explain the properties of a function, as well as be able to set up, interpret and use some nonlinear functions as models for real processes. To implement these recommendations, it is crucial to understand the students’ way of experiencing quadratic equations and functions, and describe the meaning these have for the students in relation to the possibility they have to their experience of them. The aim of this thesis is to analyse, understand and explain the relation between the handled and learned content, which consists of second-degree equations and quadratic functions, in classroom practice. This means that content is the research object and not the teacher’s conceptions or knowledge of, or about this content. This restriction implies that the handled and learned contents are central in this study and will be analysed from different perspectives. The study includes two teachers and 45 students in two different classes. The data consist of video-recordings of lessons, individual sessions, interviews and the teachers’/researcher’s review of the individual sessions. The students’ tests also constituted an important part of the data collection. When analysing the data, concepts relating to variation theory have been used as analytical tools. Data have been analysed in respect of the teachers’ focus on the lesson content, which aspects are ignored and which patterns of dimensions of variations are constituted when the contents are handled by the teachers in the classroom. Also, data have been analysed in respect of the students’ focus when they solve different exercises in a test situation. It can be shown that the meaning of parameters, the unknown quantity in an equation and the function’s argument change several times when the teacher presents the content in the classroom and when the students solve different exercises. It can also be shown that the teachers and the students develop complicated patterns of variation during the lessons and that the ways in which the teachers open up dimensions of variation play an important role in the learning process. The results indicate that there is a convergent variation leading the students to improve their learning. By focusing on some aspects of the objects of learning and create convergent variations, it is possible for the students to understand the difference between various interpretations of these aspects and thereafter focus on the interpretation that fits in a certain context. Furthermore, this variation leads the students to make generalisations in each object of learning (equations and functions) and between these objects of learning. These generalisations remain over time, despite working with new objects of learning. An important result in this study is that the implicit or explicit arguments of a function can make it possible to discern an equation from a function despite the fact that they are constituted by the same algebraic expression.

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  • 37.
    Pekkola, Sari
    Kristianstad University, School of Health and Society, Avdelningen för Samhällsvetenskap.
    Unga kvinnors musikvärldar: identitetsarbete i vardagslivet2008In: Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum / [ed] Naranjo, Eduardo, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 55-72Chapter in book (Other academic)
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    Unga kvinnors musikvärldar
  • 38.
    Penne, Sylvi
    Högskolen i Oslo.
    Min mening og min verden: om kulturer, klasser og litteraturundervisning på ungdomstrinnet2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 231-244Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 39.
    Perjos, Solveig
    Kristianstad University College, School of Teacher Education.
    Närbyråkratens dilemma - kontroll och service2008In: Naranjo, E. (red.), Reflektioner från ett mosaikforum, Krististianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2008, p. 35-52Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 40.
    Persson, Christel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA).
    Mårtensson, Lennart
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Natural Science, Research environment Man & Biosphere Health (MABH).
    Hållbar samhällsutveckling: en utmaning för den högre utbildningen2018In: Lärarlärdom 2018: Högskolan Kristianstad / [ed] Stefan Larsson, Kristianstad, 2018Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 41.
    Redfors, Andreas
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Naturvetenskap.
    Ämnesdidaktikens roll i lärarutbildningar i Europa2007In: Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv. Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006 / [ed] Olle Eskilsson & Andreas Redfors, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 53-65Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 42.
    Rovio-Johansson, Airi
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Lumsden, Marie
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Undervisning och lärande: systematisk variation och invarians som lärandets villkor i ämnet redovisning i civilekonomiprogrammet2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 245-254Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 43. Sandström Madsén, Ingegärd
    Samtala, läsa och skriva för att lära: i ett utvecklingsperspektiv från förskola till högskola2007Book (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Schamp-Bjerede, Teri
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment.
    On the fence with the new liberal arts students: reflections on teaching media for expression and communication2012In: Lärarlärdom: högskolepedagogisk konferens 2011 i Kristianstad / [ed] Leif Karlsson, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2012, p. 49-56Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 45.
    Simcikova, Karla
    University of Ostrava.
    Teaching intercultural awareness through literature2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 255-264Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Smith, Elin
    Kristianstad University, Department of Business Administration.
    Corporate governance and corporate entrepreneurship: empirical studies on Swedish riding schools2008Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This composite licentiate dissertation is based on the observation that governance and entrepreneurship are related with each other and that governance may differ depending on the specific organisational form that organises the businesses. Governance refers to corporate governance, including mechanisms aimed at governing the organisation in the interests of the principals. Entrepreneurship refers to corporate entrepreneurship and the process aimed at enhancing strategic opportunism and risk taking. Organisational forms refer to diferent existing forms of organisations, for example, corporations, non-profit associations, single proprietorship, co-operatives, or partnerships. The dissertation includes three separate papers with different focuses within the frame. The overall conclusion is that CG mechanisms appear to be influential on CE and that the influence of the incentives that property rights has for organisations' participants are relevant to consider. The nature of the dissertation, however, is explorative, suggesting the linkages and studies to be at a first stage, and in need of further exploration and investigation.

  • 47.
    Sollerhed, Ann-Christin
    Kristianstad University College, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    Daily physical activity in school: when, where, how, and with whom?2007In: Eskilsson, O., Redfors, A. (red), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 265--272Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 48.
    Tapola, Anna
    Högskolan i Kalmar.
    Genetik, genteknik och demokrati inom allmänt utbildningsområde: en potentiell integrativ didaktik?2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 273-283Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 49.
    Tossavainen, Timo
    University of Joensuu.
    Proceduralising conceptual knowledge of mathematics: or the other way around2007In: Eskilsson, Olle, Redfors, Andreas (red.), Ämnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv: rapport från Rikskonferensen i ämnesdidaktik 2006, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2007, p. 285-292Conference paper (Other academic)
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  • 50.
    Wersäll, Britt-Louise
    Kristianstad University, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.
    TV-etik, mediejuridik och mediepolitik: om värden och våld2000Book (Other academic)
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