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  • 1.
    Anderson, Lotta
    et al.
    Malmö University.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Special needs teachers’ assignments and work in special schools for students with intellectual disability in Sweden2019In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Network for Disability research (NNDR) Inclusion and exclusion in the wefare society 8-10 march in Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Special needs teacher (SNT) in special school for students with intellectual disability (ID) is a new profession, which has not been explored to greater extent and therefore it is important to highlight their professional role. The aim was to analyze what characterizes the SNTs work and assignments and what collaborations they engage in inside and outside the special school. Changes made to the policy document of the National Agency of Education 2011 and set new demands on SNTs, with stronger focus on skill assessment and improving the academic performance of students with ID. International research has also noted a trend towards an increased focus on academic skills in the teaching of students with ID. To collect data of SNT’s perceptions about competence, school assignments and collaboration, a questionnaire was constructed. The study group consisted of 88 respondents with special needs teacher degrees from three universities in southern Sweden. Lipsky's concept (1980) 'street level bureauucracy' constitutes the theoretical framework. The results showed that most SNTs had long work experience from a special school for ID before they started the special needs training program. When SNTs describe their work and assignments, classroom education is in the forefront. Other assignments e.g., supervision or subjectdevelopment exist, but not to the same extent as classroom teaching. It is also common for SNTs to collaborate with professionals both inside and outside the special school. A significant difference exists in interaction between primary and upper secondary school, as they have a common principal. One conclusion that was drawn was that SNTs have many collaboration partners, possess many different skills, and most of them continue as class teachers after the special needs teacher’s degree.

  • 2.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Introduktion2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 7-11Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 3.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik2013Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Specialpedagogisk forskning där relationella perspektiv anläggs har vuxit kraftigt under de senaste femton åren. Indelningen "relationellt-" och "kategoriskt" perspektiv har till exempel kommit att spela stor roll för specialpedagogikens självförståelse. Parallellt har det skett en tillväxt av allmänpedagogisk forskning med relationella perspektiv. Den här antologin är ett resultat av möten mellan de båda traditionerna. Antologin syftar till att diskutera hur specialpedagogisk forskning, utbildning och verksamhet kan förstås relationellt. Bidragen rör olika utbildningskontexter, såsom förskola, träningsskola, gymnasieskola och specialpedagogutbildning, och behandlar en bred uppsättning teman, såsom handledning, omsorgsarbete, flerspråkighet och musicerande.

    Boken vänder sig framför allt till blivande och yrkesverksamma specialpedagoger och speciallärare.

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  • 4.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Teaching as a way of bonding: a contribution to the relational theory of teaching2020In: Educational Philosophy and Theory, ISSN 0013-1857, E-ISSN 1469-5812, Vol. 53, no 6, p. 588-596Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The general discourse on education stresses either the teacher’s or the student’s position. This article aims to contribute to a relational theory of teaching by discussing three significant concepts of teaching from the standpoint of Martin Buber’s relational philosophy. Feldman suggests that teaching implies being human in a particular way and in a particular context; Kelchtermans shows that a teacher’s ‘personal interpretative framework’ plays a crucial role in teaching and is constantly modified through interactions; Biesta defines the essence of teaching in terms of the relation between the teacher’s address and the student’s personal response. Although they all contribute to the relational theory of teaching, they also seem to neglect a vital dimension found in Buber’s philosophy – the exceptional moment when a teacher and a student turn to each other as ‘this particular other person’. As a supplement to the other concepts, this article outlines the concept of ‘teaching as a way of bonding’ and makes three suggestions: (1) bonding is a prerequisite for teaching; (2) there are qualitative differences between ‘social bonding’ and ‘relational bonding’; and (3) the teaching is ultimately best understandable in terms of ‘relational bonding’.

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  • 5.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Vad är relationell pedagogik?2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 13-25Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Relationell pedagogik kan allmänt beskrivas som ett synsätt på utbildning där det som sker människor emellan står i centrum.  Jag diskuterar i det här kapitlet vissa kännetecken för ansatsen och föreslår ett dubbelsidigt relationsbegrepp: På en första nivå är relationell pedagogik liktydigt med aktiviteter som strukturerar utbildningens sociala liv. I princip alla lärare ägnar sig dagligen åt relationell pedagogik i den meningen, dvs. är med om att bygga upp en igenkännlig socialitet och ordning i utbildningen. På en andra nivå ses relationell pedagogik snarare som avbrott eller genombrott i vardagslivets strukturer. Relationell pedagogik i den senare bemärkelsen innebär ett genuint och personligt möte, en händelse som är oförutsägbar, oplanerad och kanske inte ens märkbar. Sådana händelser kan man inte ta för givna i undervisning.

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  • 6.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Var är relationell specialpedagogik?2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 179-189Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Det här kapitlet avser att bidra till diskursen om relationell specialpedagogik. Jag skisserar på möjliga innebörder i begreppet och på en modell över var forskningen ifråga kan ta sin utgångspunkt. Argumentet lyder i korthet att relationell specialpedagogik har- eller bör ha konkreta, mellanmänskliga relationer i brännpunkten (jfr. von Wright, 2002, s. 12). Sådana relationer byggs i möten mellan faktiska personer som befinner sig i faktiska situationer. De karakteriseras av vad Johan Asplund (1992, s. 45) kallar genuin kommunikation:

    I genuin kommunikation råder alltid en genuin osäkerhet. Jag vet inte vad jag har sagt innan du har svarat och du vet inte vad du har sagt innan jag har svarat. Du visar mig vad jag har sagt och jag visar dig vad du har sagt.

    Jag börjar med att redogöra för några specialpedagogiska perspektiv. Därefter utvecklas, med stöd hos några relationella teoretiker, det resonemang om utbildningens brännpunkt som fördes i inledningskapitlet. Slutligen argumenterar jag för var den relationella specialpedagogikens brännpunkt är belägen.

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  • 7.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Eklöf, Anders
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön Arbete i skolan (AiS).
    In the blink of an eye: Understanding teachers’ relational competence in terms of interaction and face-workManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Relationskompetens i specialpedagogiska utbildningar: hur framställs ämnet i kursplaner för specialpedagog- och speciallärarprogram i Sverige?2020In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 2, p. 117-142Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Research shows that the quality of the teacher-student relationship is crucial to students’ learning and development, especially for students in need of special support. In Scandinavia, the concept of relational competence is increasingly used to define a teacher’s ability to build supportive relationships. In this article, relational competence is discussed in the context of special education. The article investigates how relational competence is described in the curriculum for special education teacher training. Syllabuses (n = 142) at all Swedish universities that have programs in special education (n = 11) are included in the analysis, with a focus on the learning goals (n = 857). Content analysis provides both an overall and a more in-depth picture. The first study shows that there are relatively few learning goals relevant to relational competence. For example, the key concepts “relation,” “participation,” and “empathy” are very rarely used, and “care” and “trust” are completely absent. The second study shows, among other findings, that relevant content mainly concerns the special educator as a qualified interlocutor vis-à-vis colleagues. Hardly any goals include teacher–student or teacher–parent relationships. On the whole, the results indicate that relational competence is a neglected topic in this discourse, and that it has a fairly narrow focus. The implications of this lack are discussed, and suggestions for improvement are added. 

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  • 9.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Jönsson, Anders
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research Platform Collaboration for Education.
    'It means everything': special educators perceptions' of relationships and relational competence2021In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, ISSN 0885-6257, E-ISSN 1469-591X, Vol. 36, no 5, p. 671-685Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A compelling body of international research demonstrates that a positive, supportive teacher-student relationship is essential for students’ development, especially for at-risk students. In this article, the educator’s ability to build such relationships is discussed in terms of ‘relational competence’. Special educators’ relational competence is a largely unexplored topic. This article contributes by reporting on an interview study with 21 experienced special educators. The study focuses on the educators’ perceptions of their relationships and relational competence. Two research questions (RQs) are explored: (1) What is the role of social relationships in (successful) work as a special educator? and (2) How is the relational competence of special educators realised in practice? The results are presented in themes and subthemes, and are supported by significant quotes. Regarding RQ 1, the study shows that the informants perceive positive social relationships as fundamental in their work and relational competence as particularly important in their profession. The results for RQ 2 show that relational competence is realised by an accepting attitude in the ‘here and now’; by finding a personal connection to the student; and by building trusting relationships over a longer period of time. Comments on implications for special education teacher preparation are provided.

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  • 10.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Jönsson, Anders
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research Platform Collaboration for Education.
    Pre-service special educators’ understandings of relational competence2021In: Frontiers in Education, E-ISSN 2504-284X, Vol. 6, p. 1-12, article id 678793Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Research demonstrates that the teacher-student relationship is essential for students with special educational needs. This article investigates how pre-service special educators (n = 74) perceive teachers’ relational competence, as manifested in their relations with students exhibiting behavioral difficulties. The data comprises educators’ written analyses of teacher-student interactions simulated through digital video, both before and after being provided with explicit criteria on teachers’ relational competence. The findings reveal a change in the educators’ perceptions as they shift from a focus on teaching strategies and the learning environment toward an awareness of teacher-student interaction, and from the teacher’s management of problematic student behavior toward an acknowledgment of the communicative and socio-emotional challenges in contexts involving students with different needs.

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  • 11.
    Christiansson-Banck, Ulla
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    ”Behandlas typ som en människa”: hur elever på ett specialutformat program ser på relationers betydelse i utbildningen2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 107-123Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Det här kapitlet tar avstamp i en tidigare genomförd utvärdering av ett specialutformat program på gymnasieskolan (Christiansson-Banck, 2011). De frågor som stod i utvärderingens centrum var om verksamheten var inkluderande och vilka möjligheter till sociala möten som gavs. Då resultatet visade att eleverna såg relationen lärare-elev som särskilt viktig i sin utbildning inriktas föreliggande kapitel specifikt på den aspekten. Syftet är att belysa hur elever på ett specialutformat program uppfattar relationersoch då särskilt lärare-elevrelationens betydelse för sina studier. Nel Noddings (2005) omsorgsetiska teori tas till hjälp för att tolka och diskutera hur eleverna ser på relationers betydelse i sammanhanget. I slutet av kapitlet kommer resultatet att relateras till frågan om inkludering.

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  • 12.
    Karlsudd, Peter
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Willén Lundgren, Berit
    Relationella avtryck och specialpedagogiska perspektiv i fritidshemmets praktik2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 63-78Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 13.
    Nilfyr, Katarina
    et al.
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Lantz-Andersson, Annika
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Teacher–child interaction in a goal-oriented preschool context: A micro-analytical study2021In: Education Sciences, E-ISSN 2227-7102, Vol. 11, no 11, p. 1-14, article id 692Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The international trend of positioning the preschool as a pre-academic learning environment is challenging for preschool teachers, as it necessitates a balance between emotionally supportive interaction and goal-oriented learning instruction. However, previous research suggests that the complexities of such interactions need to be further studied. This article contributes by presenting a very detailed exploration of how social adaptation is pursued in a goal-oriented documentation activity. The study used a micro-sociological approach, characterized by the careful analysis of verbal and nonverbal interactions. Two research questions were raised: (1) How is social adaptation pursued in verbal and nonverbal interactions in preschool teacher–child relationships during a goal-oriented activity? and (2) How can social adaptation in the preschool context be understood in terms of a “deference-emotion system”? Interactions between a teacher and child in two video-recorded episodes were transcribed and sequentially analyzed thoroughly. The findings suggest that the interactions were regulated through an informal system of social sanctions, in which nonverbal signs of deference played a key role. The interaction was shown to be embedded in an institutional context that advocates goal-oriented instruction, thus highlighting the challenge of preschool teaching in attempting to promote goal-oriented processes while simultaneously maintaining respectful, caring teacher–child relationships.

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  • 14.
    Ohlin, Christer
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Jerry Rosenqvist2012In: Bildning för alla!: en pedagogisk utmaning / [ed] Thomas Barow & Daniel Östlund, Kristianstad: Högskolan Kristianstad , 2012, p. 243-247Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
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  • 15.
    Ohlin, Christer
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Relationell handledning?: reflektioner kring handledning av internationella doktorander i Sverige2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 79-92Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 16.
    Ohlsson, Lisbeth
    et al.
    Malmö högskola.
    Andersson, Helena
    Malmö högskola.
    Assarson, Inger
    Malmö högskola.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Schools´ efforts to create inclusive learning environments2016Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The study is part of a three-year schoolimprovement program in Sweden on creating inclusive learning environments, comprising several organizational levels from policy and management level to classroom praxis ( Research on inclusive education in an international context frequently focuses the placement of individual students, administrative and organizational problems and attitudes towards policy and steering documents (Forlin, Douglas & Hattie, 1996 ; Ainscow & Miles, 2008 ). Often, a praxis of exclusion is built into educational systems (Van de Putte & De Schauwer, 2013 ) where thinking of students in categories forces pedagogues into locked positions (Tetler, 2000 ). In school development, the formation of teachers into teams may play a central part as an improvement strategy (Nordholm and Blossing, 2014 ). The aim of the present study is to document and analyze the processes experienced by 32 school teams, chosen by their school leaders in 12 municipalities to implement the intentions to create inclusive learning environments in their schools. The research interest focuses how the informants describe pedagogical and didactic prerequisites and organizational conditions and how they acted when implementing inclusive learning environments in the local school context, their role and legitimacy, the support structures and the signs of change they have seen towards a more inclusive learning environment during the developmental program. The methodological approach is inspired by on Social Justice, Equality and Solidarity in Education PAPERS 157 going evaluation (Ahnberg, Lundgren, Messing & von Schantz Lundgren, 2010) as a way to contribute knowledge about longitudinal developmental processes in school development close to local school context and praxis. Group interviews with the members of the teams were conducted each year in a dialogic manner with the ambition to give continuous feed back to the school teams as a way to promote developmental learning during the program. Except for visits to the schools and interviews, the researchers took part in seminars within the program and collected written documentation from the schools. The research interest concerns intentions expressed by the teams in the beginning of the program, the processes during the implementation phases and a final evaluation after three years. Data was analyzed according to qualitative content analysis and contains a rich variety of experiences and thick descriptions from the participants. Significant shifts of perspectives during the three years appear in the findings displaying how school problems and student-perspectives were understood, how the concept of inclusion was interpreted and enacted, how the teachers used analysis and reflection to promote inclusive learning environments and how frustration and insecurity among staff was transferred into collegial cooperation. The main shifts can be described in terms of taking steps from ideology to implementation, from being stuck in locked group constellations to finding flexible solutions, from seeing the teacher as the carrier of problems to collegial professionalism, and from viewing the student as the carrier of problems to analysing difficulties on several levels. School development related to inclusive learning environment is a democratic issue relevant in a Nordic as well as a global educational context and the complexity of educational organisation on different levels (Scheerens, 2015). 

  • 17.
    Persson, Ann-Elise
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Det relationella handledningsmötet2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 45-61Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 18.
    Persson, Ann-Elise
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Furutorp goes digital: delrapport I2013Report (Other academic)
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  • 19.
    Plantin Ewe, Linda
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    "Alltså de är snälla, men inte för snälla": om ADHD i skolan – två elevperspektiv2018Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The theoretical framework bases mainly on Schütz (2002) lived experience theory

    The phenomenology of the social world. Schütz focus on the everyday world matches the purpose of this study since school may course as an everyday world for the students. Schütz (2002) theory completes with thoughts of Bengtsson and Berntsson (2015), Asplund (2010) and von Wright (2000). The choice bases on their shared focus on phenomenology and relationships.

    Based on the result, two things appear to be particularly important in the students’ narratives:

     The experience of belonging. To be a part of the social life with friends in the everyday life in school.

     The importance of trustworthy, caring and mutual relationships with teachers in school.

    The main thing that seems to be of primary relevance for both Charlie and Kim were the quality of the teacher student relationship. A trustworthy relation may be as a key factor not only for students’ self-esteem but also for how they develop their learning identity.

    The study implies that how students with ADHD experience their school day depends on the relationships with both teachers and peers in the regional world that consists the students’ everyday world. Inadequate relationships with teachers and peers seems, based on the results of this study, lead to lack of self-esteem. Self-esteem is a critical factor in the development of social both as educational learning. Teachers' ability to develop trustful relationships is therefore a key factor in how the learner develops his or her learning identity. A learning identity that not only has consequences for the student's schooling but also in the long run affects further developing as well as work and social life.

    The aim of this study is to provide knowledge about how students with an ADHD diagnosis can experience their everyday life in school. The study is based on the assumption that teachers’ ability of developing professional pedagogical relationships are critical for how students experience themselves and their social- and pedagogical ability.

    The main question of the study is:

     What appears to be particularly important in the students' narratives?

    - What, of the particularly important, seems to be of primary relevance for the student as an individual?

    The empirical part of the study consists two narratives, one from Charlie and one from Kim. Kim and Charlie are two secondary school students both diagnosed with ADHD. According to Cousin (2009) a narrative inquiry is especially useful if the researcher wants to know how individuals "make sense of their lives through the selective stories they tell about noteworthy episodes" (Cousin, 2009, s. 93). By gathering and exploring narratives, the researcher gives the opportunity to get an insight in the complex ways that individuals act on bases of their experiences.

    The student narratives were filmed in purpose to facilitate transcription. Before the researcher started to analyze the transcribed narratives, she had them sent to guardians for reading and approval.

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  • 20.
    Plantin Ewe, Linda
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Malmö universitet.
    Enhancing teachers' relational competence: a teacher lesson study2020In: International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, ISSN 2046-8253, E-ISSN 2046-8261, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 203-219Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    The purpose of this paper is to contribute with innovative knowledge about how lesson study as a method can be used as a tool for increasing in-service teachers' professional development. More specifically, the aim is to test in what way one single lesson study cycle, where teachers' way of perceiving teacher–student interactions was tested before and after, contributes to teachers' increased understanding of relational competence. The study is a pilot preparing for an upcoming main study.


    Participants were 19 lead teachers (swe: förstelärare) in a Swedish municipality. The study was based on a relational framework and methodological approach (Aspelin, 2017; Pianta, 1999). Data obtained through web-questionnaires and collaborative group reflections were analysed and compiled to find general patterns.


    The majority of the participants (98.5%) considered their understanding of relational competence to be increased (Cohen's d 1.72) during the intervention. Additionally, there was a notable increase in participants' abilities to verbalise their understanding post-intervention.

    Research limitations/implications

    The lack of revised studies might have impacted the validity of this work. However, as this was a pilot study the result can be considered to fulfil the purpose.

    Practical implications

    The research suggests that lesson study as a method for in-service teachers as participating students can be used effectively to increase teachers' professional development.


    The study aims to investigate how lesson study as a method can be used to develop in-service teacher learning.

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  • 21.
    Plantin Ewe, Linda
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Malmö University.
    Aspelin, Jonas
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Relational competence regarding students with ADHD: an intervention study with in-service teachers2021In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, ISSN 0885-6257, E-ISSN 1469-591X, p. 1-16Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Research suggests that supportive teacher–student relationships are a prerequisite for student development. Developing such relationships requires teachers to observe, interpret, and reflect on teacher–student interactions and on teachers’ relational competence in practice. Although teacher–student relationships are especially challenging with students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), few studies have examined how these relationships develop. In this qualitative study, teachers from two Swedish elementary schools comprising one intervention (n = 33) and one control group (n = 20) completed pre- and post-tests in which they analysed videos of teacher–student interactions. We explored how the teachers understood relational competence in relation to students with ADHD before and after the video-based intervention, which included a presentation on the concept of relational competence and a model for analysing such competence. Our findings suggest that the intervention promoted teacher development regarding relational competence. Compared with the pre-test period, participants i) used more nuanced relational language, ii) substantiated their claims with concrete cues regarding interpersonal communication, and iii) adopted both teacher and student perspectives regarding the relationship. Finally, new understanding regarding relational competence was combined with knowledge regarding the importance of teacher sensitivity and responsiveness when working with students with ADHD.

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  • 22.
    Rosenqvist, Jerry
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Relationell dynamik: ett försök till analys av skola i förändring2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 27-41Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 23.
    Rosenqvist, Jerry
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Special education in multicultural society: on students with other ethnic background in the Swedish special programs2007Other (Other academic)
  • 24.
    Rubin, Maria
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Språklig och pedagogisk sårbarhet i gymnasieskolan2020In: Från sårbarhet till hållbarhet i lärande och undervisning / [ed] Barbro Bruce, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, 1Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 25.
    Rubin, Maria
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Ivarsson, Ulrika
    Umeå University.
    Språklig och pedagogisk sårbarhet i en flerspråkig skola2020In: Från sårbarhet till hållbarhet i lärande och undervisning / [ed] Barbro Bruce, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, 1, p. 107-126Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Segerby, Cecilia
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Mind the gap between the students and their mathematical textbooks2020In: Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], ISSN 1104-2176, Vol. 25, no 3-4, p. 115-138Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Reading and comprehending mathematics textbooks means understanding the global meaning and for this to occur successful comprehension strategies are required. Drawing on the results of a pilot study with six grade 3 students, a relationship between the students’ reading skills and their mathematical skills appeared. Toexamine this relationship further eighteen students from grades 1, 4 and 7, with different achievement levels were interviewed in this study. Both in the pilot study andin the current study the interview questions were inspired by the comprehensionstrategies of prediction, clarification, questioning and summarization from Palincsar and Brown’s reciprocal teaching model. These strategies are connected to Halliday’s Systemic functional linguistics to better understand how the textbook context affects students’ use of comprehension strategies. The results show that all students had developed reading comprehension strategies that were more or less successful, starting already from grade 1. Furthermore, the results of this study highlight that all students, independent of their achievement level or grade, require explicit teaching concerning efficient comprehension strategies to grasp the mathematical content being presented in mathematics textbooks.

  • 27.
    Segerby, Cecilia
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Språklig och pedagogisk sårbarhet i matematiken2020In: Från sårbarhet till hållbarhet i lärande och undervisning / [ed] Barbro Bruce, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, p. 89-106Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Segerby, Cecilia
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Rubin, Maria
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Håkansson, Gloria
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP).
    Ahlqvist, Kerstin
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Examining and developing preservice special education teachers' relational competence in a university professional oral course2021In: RCEN, 2021, Sacramento / [ed] Alexander Sidorkin, 2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the course "Professional Conversation" can contribute to developing preservice specialist teachers in mathematics, `reading and writing´ and intellectual disability, relating to their relational competence to colleagues. In this study, the concept of relational competence is used to define teachers’ ability to build positive relationships with colleagues during professional conversations and is inspired by Aspelin (2018) and Skibsted and Matthiesen (2016). From a relational perspective, the learning is not in the individual or in the collective, the learning instead appears in the gap. The gap should not be conquered, since it is in the gap the learning interaction appears (Biesta, 2004).


    Data have been collected on two occasions, autumn 2019 with 47 students and autumn 2020 with 15 students. The data collections involved a qualitative questionnaire study before and after the 10-week course. At the end of the course, the students’ reflected on their competence as a professional oral conversation leader in a report, which also was collected. Apelin’s and Jonsson’s (2019) Relational Competence Model (RCM), will be used as an analysis tool, and it divides relational competence into three sub-competencies: communication, differentiation, and socioemotional. During Spring 2021 the data will be analyzed.


    Aspelin, J. (2018). Lärares relationskompetens. Vad är det? Hur kan den utvecklas? Stockholm: Liber förlag.


    Aspelin, J., & Jonsson, A. (2019). Relational competence in teacher education. Concept analysis and report from a pilot study. Teacher Development, 23(2), 264-283.


    Biesta, G. (2004). " Mind the Gap!" Communication and the Educational Relation. Counterpoints, 259, 11-22.


    Skibsted, E., & Matthiesen, N. (Eds.) (2016). Relationskompetencer i laereruddannelse og skole. [Relational competence in teacher education and school; in Danish]. Fredrikshavn: Dafolo.

  • 29.
    Shurr, Jordan
    et al.
    Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
    Minuk, Alexandra
    Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
    Holmqvist, Mona
    Malmö University.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Ghaith, Nehal
    Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
    Reed, Brenda
    Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
    Parent perspectives on inclusive education for students with intellectual disability: A scoping review of the literature2021In: International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, ISSN 2047-3869, p. 1-11Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study was to collect and analyze research on inclusive education from the perspective of parents of students with intellectual disability (ID). The review examined characteristics and trends related to geographical origin of research, design, data collection, publication source and year, source of data, age of individuals with ID, and research focus. The initial database search produced a total of 2,540 non-duplicated articles published between 1994 and 2019. In total, 63 articles were included from the initial search and a subsequent ancestry search. The results show a significant increase in publication on the topic in the final one-tenth of the review time parameter, suggesting a continued upward trend. The majority of articles were qualitative in design, used interviews and surveys to collect data, and focus on the perspectives and beliefs of parents on inclusive education. Gaps in the existing set of research included a lack of family perspectives beyond that of mothers (e.g. father, grandparent) and a limited focus beyond perspectives and beliefs, to that of parent experiences of inclusive education.

  • 30.
    Shurr, Jordan
    et al.
    Minuk, Alexandra
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Holmqvist, Mona
    Malmö Universitet.
    Ghaith, Nehal
    Reed, Brenda
    Inclusive education and intellectual disability: a systematic review of parent perspectives2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Inclusive education has been a topic of intense interest and some debate of late. While the concept of inclusive education has been somewhat settled for students with high incidence disabilities, the debate continues for those with more significant support needs (Norwich, 2008). And, for this population, the focus of inclusive efforts has transformed over recent history. While it appears that there is a clear trajectory of inclusive education history thus far, this is not necessarily reflective in current policy and practice, nor in public discourse. While there are similarities among these definitions and the many others published, differences exist regarding the focus on either specific elements of access or the broader principles or attitudes meant to guide the educational experience. In addition to conflicts in the research literature and differences among authoritative definitions, it is clear that perception of inclusion is often not based on a shared understanding of what is and what is not inclusion—specifically in the context of education for students with intellectual disability. The discussion in some way reflects the tension between the pragmatic or contextual versus the related philosophical elements. It appears that differences in opinion, in the case of inclusive education for students with significant support needs, could be attributed to a lack of clarity or shared understanding of the term. This topic is the central focus of this presentation with a specific lens on the parent perspective and intellectual disability.

    Parent involvement in education is closely linked to student performance. Depth of understanding this perspective can lead to benefits in practice as schools can more effectively partner and with families, and with research, as scholars can build toward more coherent understanding and further exploration of related issues related. In working to understand the perspectives of individuals or groups on concepts as complex and nuanced as inclusion, it can be helpful to capture the current and previous research while highlight the similar and contrasting features with a global reach. Cross-national comparative can highlight the broad spectrum of ideas and variables related to a concept of interest (Crossley & Watson, 2003). Such comparison of data can help reveal similarities across contexts as well as data that may be more accurately understand in a particular national context.

  • 31.
    Wästerlid, Catarina
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education. Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Research environment Learning in Science and Mathematics (LISMA). Malmö University.
    Low-achieving grade K-3 children’s early numeracy competences: a systematic literature review2020In: International Journal of Early Years Education, ISSN 0966-9760, E-ISSN 1469-8463, p. 1-18Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This systematic review analyses the research results of low-achieving grade K-3 children’s numeracy competencies by investigating the research approaches used, the definitions of low achievers and the numeracy competencies reported. 18 articles, identified in ERIC, PsycINFO and Web of Science, were selected for further analysis. The results show that the main part of the studies used a fixed-strategy design, mainly reporting on children’s numeracy competencies at a group level in which the children’s numeracy competencies were summarily described and focused on difficulties and common errors. Identification of what is defined as low achiever was based on test results from both standardised and non-standardised tests, as well as teacher assessments. The predominant numeracy competencies assessed were basic facts (automatic recall 0–20) and arithmetic skills (addition and subtraction), as well as competencies related to counting. Analyses of the children’s understanding when they do not follow the typical way of learning were not found, which indicates the need for a qualitative approach to the quantitative research results in order to provide deeper understanding of children’s ways of understanding and operating with numbers.

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  • 32.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Att anpassa undervisningen efter eleverna2017Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Innehållet i artikeln lyfter praktiknära forskning som synliggör hur olika skolor har arbetat med att skapa inkluderande undervisning för att möta elevers olikheter. I denna forskning ger lärare exempel på hur de arbetar med stödjande strukturer i lärmiljön. 

    I artikeln belyses även Universal Design for Learning (UDL) som är ett ramverk för inkludering när det gäller planering, genomförande och utvärdering av undervisning. 

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  • 33.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Avsnitt 59: Bedömning av elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning2021Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Bedömning av elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättningHur kan du som lärare arbeta med bedömning av elever som går integrerade, det vill säga elever som har intellektuell funktionsnedsättning och som läser i grundskolan, men följer grundsärskolans läroplan? Medverkar gör Daniel Östlund, Daniel Östlund, docent vid Högskolan i Kristianstad och Therese Lindahl, rådgivare på SPSM. Samtalsledare är Erika Bergman, pressekreterare på SPSM.

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  • 34.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Avsnitt 60: Tillgänglighet och delaktighet för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning2021Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Hur skapar man en tillgänglig lärmiljö när det kommer till elever mottagna i grundsärskolan som är integrerad i grundskoleklass?

    Samläsning ställer vissa krav på skolverksamheterna, de behöver förutsättningar och verktyg för att kunna skapa både en social och pedagogisk delaktighet och vad säger forskningen om detta? Medverkande är Linda Petersson Bloom, rådgivare på Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten och doktorand, samt Daniel Östlund, docent vid Högskola Kristianstad. Samtalsledare är Erika Bergman.

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  • 35.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Elevassistenter: en möjlighet eller ett hinder för elevers inkludering och delaktighet2017In: Specialpædagogik, ISSN 0107-0649, Vol. 37, no 3/4, p. 106-117Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med föreliggande text är att diskutera vad elevassistentrollen karaktäriseras av i relation till elevernas möjlighet till att vara delaktiga i såväl undervisning som sociala aktiviteter i skolan.  Yrkesgruppen har dock inte fått särskilt mycket uppmärksamhet i den skandinaviska utbildningsforskningen. Det finns överhuvudtaget bristfällig information om gruppen i t.ex. officiell statistik och det är svårt att överblicka hur många elevassistenter som arbetar i de Skandinaviska länderna för närvarande.   I de nordiska länderna har, precis som i England, elevassistenter sedan några decennier tillbaka blivit en central aktör inom skolan som arbetar nära eleverna, främst de med olika typer av funktionsvariationer. De anställs i allmänhet som en specialpedagogisk insats och förväntas att arbeta med en elev som är i behov av stöd i undervisningen. I de nordiska länderna är dock informationen om yrkesgruppen knapphändig och det går inte att får fram någon tillförlitlig statistik kring hur många som arbetar som elevassistenter i de olika nordiska länderna, vad de har för utbildning, om de är män eller kvinnor, hur gamla de är, hur många år de varit inom yrket och inte minst hur villkoren för deras pedagogiska arbete ser ut. Den svenska forskningen om yrkesgruppen är ringa och dessvärre finns ytterst lite officiell statistik att tillgå om gruppen. Vid några inledande sökningar med sökordet ”elevassistent*” i, och DIVA resulterar i ett fåtal forskningspublikationer, en handfull handböcker för elevassistenter och ett 50-tal studentuppsatser på kandidat- eller magisternivå.

    Både skandinavisk  och mer internationell forskning pekar på att användningen av elevassistenter är väl etablerad i många länder och ofta en grundläggande förutsättning för inkluderande arbetssätt. I forskningen poängteras dock att det finns brister i kunskapen om hur yrkesgruppen, främst gällande vad deras yrkesutövning karaktäriseras av, vilken typ av utbildning de har och hur deras arbete bidrar till en öka måluppfyllelse hos eleverna sett både till akademiska prestationer och socialisering. I gemensam utgångspunkt för är dock att elevassistenter i allmänhet anställs och används i skolan för att göra det möjlighet för elever med funktionsvariationer att delta i undervisningen. För att summera finns det stöd i både större forskningsöversikter och enstaka studier för att problematisera elevassistentens arbete och yrkesroll i både s.k. mainstream undervisning och i specialundervisning. Sammanfattningsvis verkar elevassistenterna oavsiktligt att ersätta lärarnas roll och bidra till en minskad kontakt och interaktion mellan elever med funktionsvariationer och andra elever. I flera studier framkommer också att elevernas måluppfyllelse kan påverkas negativt utifrån hur elevassistenten väljer att agera i förhållande till eleven. Dessutom kan elevassistentens närvaro bidra till en känsla av utanförskap och stigmatisering hos eleven bidra till osjälvständighet och ett ökat vuxenberoende.

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  • 36.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    First-teachers as school improvement agents2017Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish school system has go through a number of extensive reforms since 2011: a new school legislation and new curriculum for the compulsory school. In 2013 a new career reform was launched with the aim to provide new career paths for teachers within the profession,reward skilled teachers and create conditions for school development. This reform has introduced a new category of teachers - ‘first-teachers’ – which are expected to work with school improvement with the aim to improve student achievement. The study is conducted within the tradition of participatory-oriented research using a research circle as a methodological framework. This paper aims to describe and analyze eight special teachers’experiences of working their first year as “first-teachers” in schools with self-contained classrooms for students with intellectual disabilities. The research circle described in this paperis carried out together with the eight members with myself as the participating researcher. The data presented in this paper is a small portion of data from an ongoing project about “firstteachers”work with school improvement processes. The study is conducted within the tradition of participatory-oriented research using a research circle as a methodological framework. The research issue concerns the questions the participating special teachers ask themselves in their everyday work with together with other special teachers, paraprofessionals and students with intellectual disabilities. In the research conducted in a research circle, the aim is that there should be an interaction between researchers and professionals so that both parties change theirview of the research problem. All participants is working in schools with self-containedclassrooms for students with intellectual disabilities. The work of the research circle is led byme over a period of over two semesters and will include a total of ten meetings and is documented with a digital voice recorder and with field notes. The analysis of the data materialis influenced by the work of Lipsky (2010) on street-level bureaucracy.

  • 37.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed).
    Omsorgsarbete i träningsskolan2013In: Relationell specialpedagogik: i teori och praktik / [ed] Jonas Aspelin, Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press , 2013, p. 95-105Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 38.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University, Specialpedagogisk forskningsmiljö.
    Pedagogical praxis: an example from the training school2009Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper will present some findings from my ongoing work with my doctoral thesis. The study deals with questions about learning and socialization in special schools for pupils with moderate to profound and multiple learning disabilities (training school/träningsskola). The general aim in this paper is to deepen the knowledge about the teacher’s work in the training school during a period of change and contradictions to identify structures and themes in the teacher’s pedagogical praxis. With a reference to what is described as a dilemma perspective (Tetler, 2000; Clark, Dyson & Millward, 1998) a point of departure for the study is that teacher’s in the practical training school has to deal with the tension between care and pedagogy. To get a representation of the teacher’s work in this context this paper will study the interaction between pupils and teachers and describe the patterns, forms and content in their vocal- and non-vocal interaction in the classroom. A point of departure is that learning occurs in a social context and in collaboration with others, and the theoretical framework in the research is inspired by an interactionistic perspective. My specific research questions are: • What kind of patterns appears in the interaction between pupils and teachers in the classroom? • What kind of learning- and socialization processes appears in the verbal- and non-verbal interaction between pupils and teachers? The design of the project is inspired by an ethnographic approach and is constructed as a classroom study. The empirical material is collected by participatory observations, by video recordings and by interviews with the teachers and assistants. The video recordings are analyzed using techniques derived from what Scheff calls a part/whole analysis and from Goffman´s dramaturgic perspective. The process of analyzing one of the classroom studies is in progress and the findings so far will be presented in the paper. In this paper some findings from data-collection in a F-6 class in the training school with four pupils, one special teacher and three assistants will be presented.

  • 39.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Pedagogiska relationer och strategier för elever med adhd2021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Elever med adhd utgör en heterogen grupp och beroende på bland annat ålder och kön, och hur skolmiljön och relationer till lärare och kamrater fungerar så kan utmaningarna som eleverna möter under sin utbildning se olika ut. Den här texten utgår från generella strategier i undervisningen för elever med adhd. Den har sin bas i forskning om den aktuella elevgruppen och som, trots variationen inom elevgruppen och variationen i hur skolsituationen som helhet ser ut för eleverna, är förväntat användbara. Utgångspunkten för texten har varit att relatera till perspektiv på lärande och utveckling som är möjliga att använda sig av i olika typer av lärandemiljöer. I texten belyses, med bas i forskning, betydelsen av att elever med adhd ges möjlighet att bygga trygga och tillitsfulla relationer med sina lärare och klasskamrater så att de får en känsla av tillhörighet i det sammanhang och i den grupp som de tillhör. Här lyfts även vikten av att lärandemiljön kännetecknas av tillgänglighet och flexibilitet samt betydelsen av att skolan skapar arenor för samverkan mellan olika aktörer i elevernas nätverk. Texten har inspirerats av hur tillgänglig undervisning kan förstås utifrån ramverket Universal Design for Learning.

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  • 40.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Students with profound and multiple disabilities in education in Sweden: teaching organisation and modes of student participation2015In: Research and practice in intellectual and developmental disabilities, ISSN 2329-7018, Vol. 2, no 2, p. 148-164Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article examines education practice for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Sweden and the conditions by which it is characterised. It draws on results from the author's doctoral thesis, which analysed participation and interaction in five training school classes (Träningsskola) for students with profound and multiple disabilities, focusing on the organisation of the teaching and modes of student participation in educational practice. It examined the consequences of these modes and patterns of interaction that staff and students create together for participation. Empirical material was collected via classroom observations and 40 hours of video recordings in 5 classes in a training school, in spring 2009 and spring 2010. Study participants were 20 school students, aged 6 to 19 years (11 boys and 9 girls), and 28 members of the teaching teams (special teachers, music teachers, physical education teachers, and 16 assistants). The project design was inspired by an ethnographic approach and constructed as a classroom study. A small portion of the data was transcribed and analysed for use in this article. Detailed transcripts were created from data from video recordings, using conversation analytic notations to gauge the interaction between students and paraprofessionals. The analytic approach was inspired by “conversation analysis”, which provides a method of analysis of modes of participation used when students and staff members interact. Modes of participation that emerged related to varying expectations on students in different educational situations. Demands placed on the students in different activities elicited a range of responses: the attentive and responsive student; the emotionally engaged student; the choice-making, autonomous student; the exploring student; the inattentive student; the student as a recipient of care; and the playful student. There are implicit ideas in educational practice about the conditions under which students in training schools engage in participation, whether these students are aged 6 or 19 years of age. It is argued that more active styles of student participation would be encouraged with communicative, rather than individualistic teaching styles. In turn, this would provide more opportunities to create horizontal relationships with peers or with students without disabilities, or both.

  • 41.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Stöd till elever: en tillbakablick2016Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den inledande delen handlar om skolans sätt att bemöta elevers olikheter och lärmiljö ur ett historiskt perspektiv. Ni får följa hur det svenska skolsystemet organiserat specialpedagogiskt stöd till elever från 1900-talets början fram till idag och hur det synliggörs i styrdokumenten. Delen handlar också om olika synsätt på elever och lärande. Ett begreppspar som beskrivs är det relationella respektive det kategoriska perspektivet som ger ett stöd i att förstå skolans varierande arbetssätt att möta elevers olikheter. 

    Syftet med delen är att ni ska få en förståelse för hur det specialpedagogiska stödet till elever har organiserats och förändrats över tid. Syftet med delen är även att ni ska få möjlighet att diskutera och problematisera hur olika perspektiv kan påverka hur undervisning och lärmiljö organiseras.

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  • 42.
    Östlund, Daniel
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Tecknande miljö i förskoleklass: en utvärdering av Parkskolans projekt som genomförts med stöd av SIS‐medel från SPSM2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I föreliggande rapport redovisas det uppdrag som under hösten 2016 gavs Högskolan Kristianstad som haft som övergripande syfte att bidra med en extern utvärdering av projektet ”Tecknandemiljö i förskoleklass”. Den externa utvärderingen ska betraktas som ett komplement till den interna utvärderingen som gjorts av projektdeltagarna själva. Uppdraget har genomförts inovember/december 2016, med besök på Parkskolan 23‐24/11och med bearbetning av underlag som samlats in under december 2106.

  • 43.
    Östlund, Daniel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Anderson, Lotta
    Kunskapsbedömning i träningsskolan2015 (ed. 1)Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Det finns mycket kunskap om bedömning men det finns relativt lite skrivet specifikt för lärare och rektorer i grundsärskolans inriktning träningsskolan. Kunskapsbedömning i träningsskolan, behövs ett speciellt material för det? I alla skolformer ska elevernas kunskaper bedömas i relation till kunskapskraven men i träningsskolan behöver bedömningen också göras utifrån elevens förutsättningar. Hur kan lärare konstruera bedömningsuppgifter för att tillgodose elevernas skilda kognitiva förutsättningar men ändå utmana varje elev så att ett lärande sker? Ambitionen med det här materialet är att stödja lärare i träningsskolan i just detta.

  • 44.
    Östlund, Daniel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.
    Andersson, Helena
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.
    Plantin Ewe, Linda
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.
    Att utvecklas till expert på sitt eget lärande2018Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    För att elever ska nå skolframgång krävs det att elevens lärande sätts i centrum. Trondman formulerar det på följande sätt: ”Att jag som elev kan lära mig så att jag lär mig att jag kan lära mig” (Lund & Lund, s. 202). Med andra ord menar Trondman att elever som kan utveckla sin kognitiva förmåga också utvecklar en tilltro till sitt eget lärande och sin förmåga att lära. Att som elev ”fatta att man kan fatta och vill fortsätta att utveckla sin förmåga att fatta” (s. 202) är därmed ett nödvändigt utfall av undervisningen för att eleverna ska ges möjlighet att bli agenter i sitt eget lärande, det som enligt UDL beskrivs expert learners. En viktig utgångspunkt utifrån idén om expert learners är begreppet metakognition (Boyle, Rosen & Forchelli, 2016). Metakognition kan relateras till de olika strategier som elever tillägnar sig i sin lärandeprocess och sedan använder för att engagera sig i en uppgift och i själva lärprocessen arbeta självreglerande genom att själv initiera och styra det egna lärandet. Spencer (2011) uttrycker att elever måste få visa på sin kunskap på det sätt som passar den enskilda elevens sätt att lära bäst. Elever kan behöva olika mycket stöd i arbetet, men målet är att alla elever ska utvecklas till experter på att lära, dvs. att de ska lära sig hur de lär bäst och vad de behöver använda för strategier för att nå bästa resultat (CAST, 2018).

  • 45.
    Östlund, Daniel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.
    Barow, Thomas
    Göteborgs Universitet.
    The significance of pedagogical investigations, diagnoses and psychometric tests in inclusive education: comparative studies from Sweden and Germany2017Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The similarities and differences between the Swedish and German education systems arguably make a comparison between these two countries in the context of inclusive education a promising field of research. This is even more significant when it comes to the assessment of special educational needs (SEN), where a comparative approach may contribute to a deeper understanding about the relation between inclusive approaches and categorisation processes in education. The concept of SEN in Sweden is based on the student’s risk to miss the learning objectives of regular school. In contrast, Germany applies a multiple concept of SEN, which could be based on the students’ failure in school and/or a disability. While in Sweden, SEN are assessed by a “pupil welfare team” consisting of special educators, headmaster and various experts, in Germany the assessment process is carried out by a special education teacher and the class teacher. The countries also differ in who takes the final decision of a SEN statement for a student. In Sweden it is made by the headmaster, where as in Germany it is the school supervising authority. Being aware of these differences between the two countries, questions about the significance of medical diagnoses and psychometric tests in pedagogical investigations arise. With this background, the contribution to the symposium consolidates and contextualises the results of research studies on the assessment of special educational needs in the Swedish county of Scania and the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In both countries, five cases with varying geographical and social environment were selected. Study 1 analyses the content of 50 assessments which led to an SEN statement. Study 2 draws on interviews with pedagogical investigators and decision makers from the two countries. The focus is lies on the SEN categorisation processes, the allocation of resources and future education. The findings from this research contribute to the discussion on whether inclusive education can be based on a de-categorised special education, or if it promotes medical diagnoses and psychometrical tests.

  • 46.
    Östlund, Daniel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences specializing in Primary and Secondary School, and Special Needs Education.
    Barow, Thomas
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Dahlberg, Kajsa
    Göteborgs universitet.
    Johansson, Anette
    Göteborgs universitet.
    In between special needs teachers and students: paraprofessionals work in self-contained classrooms for students with intellectual disabilities in Sweden2021In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, ISSN 0885-6257, E-ISSN 1469-591X, Vol. 36, no 2, p. 168-182Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Based on street-level bureaucracy, this study investigates the paraprofessional role and assignments in self-contained classrooms for students with intellectual disabilities in Sweden. The research design contains a mixed method approach using a digital questionnaire for paraprofessionals (N = 60) and semi-structured interviews with four special teachers and five paraprofessionals. The results demonstrate that paraprofessionals cooperate with special needs teachers and have a supportive role working with students throughout the day. A lack of support for paraprofessionals’ professional development and few opportunities for them to co-plan, co-teach and co-assess with special needs teachers is said to hinder this advancement. The complexity of being both an educator in the classroom and a caregiver taking the responsibility for students’ wellbeing, peer-to-peer relations and care orientated work tasks are discussed.

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  • 47.
    Östlund, Daniel
    et al.
    Kristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, Research environment Special Education (SpecPed). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik. Kristianstad University.
    Dehlin, EvaEliasson, LenaFalk, MarcusGannby, KristinJosefsson, JosefineKlefbeck, KamillaKristianstad University, Forskningsmiljön Forskning Relationell Pedagogik (FoRP). Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment, Avdelningen för Pedagogik.Rodin, SusanneStoltz, MalinÖstlund, Malena
    Nio förstelärares arbete i grundsärskola och gymnasiesärskola: resultat från en forskningscirkel2017Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Forskningscirkeln har genomförts tillsammans med nio förstelärare från två kommuner som arbetar inom grundsärskola och gymnasiesärskola. Inom ramen forskningscirkeln har de drivit utvecklingsprojekt under läsåret 2016/2017.

    Grundsärskola och gymnasiesärskola utgör arenan för deltagarna i forskningscirkeln och de nio förstelärarna har drivit egna utvecklingsprojekt inom sina respektive verksamheter. Trots att de nio förstelärarna arbetar på olika stadier, med olika elevgrupper och utifrån olika förutsättningar samlades de kring några centrala teman. I de olika utvecklingsprojekten har skolutveckling utifrån elevernas delaktighet och inflytande, bedömning för lärande, elevhälsa, kommunikation och kollegialt lärande stått i förgrunden. 

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