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VR situated simulations
Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för ekonomi, Avdelningen för design.
Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för ekonomi, Forskningsmiljön Design and / Art / Application / AI Research Collaboration (DARC). Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för ekonomi, Avdelningen för design.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-1234-6757
Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för lärarutbildning, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.
Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för lärarutbildning, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap inriktning grundskola, gymnasium och specialpedagogik.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-2400-6074
Vise andre og tillknytning
2020 (engelsk)Inngår i: Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation: 8th EAI International Conference, ArtsIT 2019, and 4th EAI International Conference, DLI 2019, Aalborg, Denmark, November 6–8, 2019, Proceedings / [ed] Brooks, Anthony, Brooks, Eva Irene, Cham: Springer, 2020, s. 730-738Kapittel i bok, del av antologi (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]

The paper is authored by Michael Johansson, Thore Soneson, Kerstin Ahlqvist, Barbro Bruce, and Camilla Siotis Ekberg and titled VR Situated Simulations. Here, the authors discusses experiences from developing mediated learning situations in a VR-filmedcontext. They argue for how such productions require approaches based on co-designand innovative team constellations including knowledge and skills from different areasto join forces for adequate VR solutions. In the chapter, the authors describe the processof developing VR learning situations by being inspired by related studies in the fieldof collaborative design, where various stakeholders were engaged in different parts ofthe production; from scriptwriting for interactive media, to creating and editing specificcase studies in an interactive VR format, and, also, gathering students’ experiences ofthe scripts and case studies. Based on this, the authors argue that 3D environments forreflection and discussion can be combined to form a common knowledge base in differentfields of application, e.g. in the areas of education and Human Resources. Further, it isemphasised that simulations of authentic and real situations have an immersive potentialto create pedagogical innovations

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Cham: Springer, 2020. s. 730-738
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ISSN 1867-8211 ; volume 328
Emneord [en]
Work Integrated Learning, Digital Design, Virtual reality, Learning lab
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-21227DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-53294-9_56Libris ID: 0c0jslj2xhzs82w0ISBN: 978-3-030-53294-9 (digital)OAI:, id: diva2:1470406
Tilgjengelig fra: 2020-09-24 Laget: 2020-09-24 Sist oppdatert: 2021-08-18bibliografisk kontrollert

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Johansson, MichaelBruce, BarbroSiotis Ekberg, Camilla

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Johansson, MichaelAhlqvist, KerstinBruce, BarbroSiotis Ekberg, Camilla
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