Att studera kvinnliga sexualförbrytare är problematiskt då gruppen är så liten. Studien är en litteraturstudie för att klargöra vad som är sammanställt kring denna lilla grupp. Uppsatsens frågeställningar handlar om huruvida det existerar någon generell bild av vem den sexualbrottsdömda kvinnan är, om det finns olika distinkta typer av sexualbrottsdömda och om svenska förhållanden är möjliga att översätta till internationella. Därför innehåller uppsatsen också en genomgång av de fall som utretts vid kriminalvårdens riksmottagning för långtidsdömda. För att behålla objektiviteten i fråga om internationell typologi presenterar författaren en rutnätsmodell med hjälp av vilken fall av den här typen kan spaltas upp förtydligas och presenteras utan typologi. Mycket av den existerande forskningen har fokuserat på att dela upp populationen i olika typologier. Tyvärr verkar det inte existera någon koncensus kring viken typologi man använder eller för den skull vad man använder typologin för. Således blir tidigare forskning svår att överskåda och använda vid exempelvis utveckling av behandlingsansatser. Då ämnet i sig varit och är färgat av tabun kring kvinnlig kriminalitet och sexualitet tar arbetet upp genusaspekter som en viktig del. Tabun som omgärdar ämnet ökar också sannolikheten att det förekommer stora mörkertal kring hur stor omfattningen av denna kriminalitet egentligen är. Det är uppsatsens slutsats att de undersökta svenska fallen passar in i den internationella bilden. Fortfarande kvarstår mycket forskning för att belysa denna del av kriminologin men uppsatsen kan sägas vara ett litet steg i rätt riktning.
The purpose of this essay is to explore high school and collage school counselors knowledge and experience of honour related violence and repression. Our study is based on a qualitative method with interviews. The main question in our study is to examine the school counselors education in how to provide support to the exposed adolescents.
We have conducted six interviews with school counselors in the southern Sweden. We have used a semi structured interview technique with questionnaires that have been a support to us during the interviews. The results of our study showed that some of our respondents knew that they had limited education and knowledge in honour related violence and also that they wanted more experience about the problemarea. Other respondents said that they had experience enough about the problemar ea. The results also show that the respondents believe that there is more honour related problems in the adolescents families than what the counselors find out about, and that some of the respondents didn´t even know in wich way they could provide help to theese students.
The purpose of this thesis is to find out the reasons and perhaps some answers to the problem as we see it, the sickness benefit expiration of those who experience this. By this said we have also taken into account the different laws and adjustments in the long-term sickness benefit, but also major reformation of the security net in the Swedish society. The efficiency of the law on passive long-term sickness absence was added in July 2008, but was later in January 2010 supplemented. The purpose of this law wasn’t only to reduce the long-term sickness absence but also to reduce exclusion. These changes had also been highlighted by the media that people were actually being excluded from the society. It creates marginalization.
The aim of this study is to highlight individuals' feelings about the whole performing hedge process. The survey was conducted through semi-structured interviews where we wanted a deeper knowledge of the interviewee’s experiences. In order to give the interviewee the opportunity and possibility to form their own mind and own reflections and express their own thoughts, the questions were open for answers. This allowed us to ask supplementary questions. After collecting the empirical data we did a breakdown in the following three themes: the experiences of the sickness absence, the experiences by the response of the concerned authorities.
The theories chosen in this study are stigma, social exclusion, sense of coherence (SOC) and sick role. The economic exclusion creates social exclusion where as the sense of shame among the interviewee’s increase. By this said, the interviewee’s are not able to participate actively in the social activities to the same extent, but also they cannot provide for themselves. This can obviously lead to increased risk for mental illness. In our analysis we aim to discuss our issues based on the experiences for the interviewees’.