Aims and objectives
To investigate changes over time in an interdisciplinary group that was engaged in development work regarding pain and pain assessment.
The outcomes of nursing research do not always find their way to the daily care of patients. This is evident within, for instance, physical rehabilitation, where relieving patients' pain is a major challenge. To gain new understanding, develop and change, registered nurses have a great part in engaging their staff.
A qualitative study using a participatory action research approach was used, and a hermeneutic analysis was conducted.
A group of three registered nurses, two assistant nurses and a physiotherapist took part in focus group sessions. This group was followed with seven repeated sessions during a period of five months from January 2010 until June 2010. A hermeneutic analysis was used.
The participants changed their attitudes towards the patient in pain, their own caring role and the team's role towards a more person-centred care.
Participation and reflection were key aspects as means to transfer knowledge into action and establish change. The participants came to the sessions, shared actively their experiences and expressed pride in the work they accomplished. This can be seen as an expression of a need to share and a joy to be working together in a person-oriented development area. In addition, the approach seemed to contribute to increased job satisfaction.
Relevance to clinical practice
The participants expressed that their work resulted in a changed approach to pain and pain assessment in their daily practice at the ward. The participants were actively engaged in enhancing their work with pain and pain assessment in their own daily practice and in implementing research-based knowledge.