Projektet har till syfte att undersöka den revolutionerande tekniken bakom IP-telefoni. Eftersom tekniken är relativt ung så finns det fortfarande mycket att lära om hur det fungerar och hur den används. Projektet behandlar fördelar och nackdelar samt vilka hot som finns och hur man kan känna sig säker när man använder IP-telefoni till vardags. Det primära objektivet med projektet är att få en helhetsbild och förstå hur tekniken verkligen fungerar.
Vidare behandlas telefonens historia då det är viktigt att se var tekniken har sina rötter och hur den utvecklats sedan dess. Som en röd tråd från telefonens teknologi och det publika telefonnätets rötter görs en jämförelse mellan de två teknologierna för att se skillanderna och förmodade fördelar och nackdelar med de båda systemen. Olika sorters protokoll som har ett nära förhållande till IP-telefoni så som SIP, RTP, UDP och IP behandlas. För att få en sanningsenlig bild över hur vardagliga användare upplever IP-telefoni så har en enkätundersökning angående vanor och möjliga problem gjorts hos de anställda på Region Skåne.
Streaming video continues to experience unprecedented growth. This underscores the need to identify user-centric performance measures and models that will allow operators to satisfy requirements for cost-effective network dimensioning delivered with an acceptable level of user experience. This paper presents an analysis of two novel metrics in the context of fixed capacity links: (i) the average proportion of a video’s playing time during which the quality is reduced and (ii) the average proportion of videos which experience reduced quality at least once during their playing time, based on an M/M/∞ system. Our analysis is shown to hold for the more general M/G/∞ system for metric (i), but not for (ii) and simulation studies show an unexpected form of sensitivity of metric (ii) to the flow duration distribution, contrary to the norm of increasing variance causing worse performance. At typical operational loads these new metrics provide a more sensitive and information rich guide for understanding how user experience degrades, than the widely used average throughput metric does. We further show that only the combined use of this existing and our new metrics can provide a holistic perspective on overall user performance.
Mobile wireless networks constitute an indispensable part of the global Internet, and with TCP the dominating transport protocol on the Internet, it is vital that TCP works equally well over these networks as over wired ones. This paper identifies the performance dependencies by analyzing the responsiveness of TCP NewReno and TCP CUBIC when subject to bandwidth variations related to movements in different directions. The presented evaluation complements previous studies on 4G mobile networks in two important ways: It primarily focuses on the behavior of the TCP congestion control in medium- to high-velocity mobility scenarios, and it not only considers the current 4G mobile networks, but also low latency configurations that move towards the overall potential delays in 5G networks. The paper suggests that while both CUBIC and NewReno give similar goodput in scenarios where the radio channel continuously degrades, CUBIC gives a significantly better goodput in scenarios where the radio channel quality continuously increases. This is due to CUBIC probing more aggressively for additional bandwidth. Important for the design of 5G networks, the obtained results also demonstrate that very low latencies are capable of equalizing the goodput performance of different congestion control algorithms. Only in low latency scenarios that combine both large fluctuations of available bandwidths and a mobility pattern in which the radio channel quality continuously increases can some performance differences be noticed.
These days, the Industrial Internet of Healthcare Things (IIT) enabled applications have been growing progressively in practice. These applications are ubiquitous and run onto the different computing nodes for healthcare goals. The applications have these tasks such as online healthcare monitoring, live heartbeat streaming, and blood pressure monitoring and need a lot of resources for execution. In IIoHT, remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism-based applications have been widely designed with the network and computational delay constraints to run healthcare applications. However, there are many requirements of IIoHT applications such as security, network and computation, and failure efficient RPC with optimizing the quality of services of applications. In this study, the work devised the lightweight RPC mechanism for IIoHT applications and considered the hybrid constraints in the system. The study suggests the secure hybrid delay scheme (SHDS), which schedules all healthcare workloads under their deadlines. For the scheduling problem, the study formulated this problem based on linear integer programming, where all constraints are integer, as shown in the mathematical model. Simulation results show that the proposed SHDS scheme and lightweight RPC outperformed the hybrid for IIoHT applications and minimized 50% delays compared to existing RPC and their schemes.
The broadcast nature of wireless communication makes it intrinsically vulnerable to eavesdropping attacks. This article suggests the using of secret spreading codes (i.e. only a legitimate receiver knows the spreading sequence) and artificial interference (i.e. by intentionally adding noise to the broadcast channel) on countering eavesdropping attacks. We have made a theoretical analysis on the potential performance degradation at the eavesdropper and at the legitimate receiver for a point-to-point wireless communication system using direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) with coherent phase-shift keying (PSK) modulation. We have also proposed a lightweight non-cryptographic secret code generation scheme which leads to low correlation between the spreading codes used at the transmitter and at the eavesdropper. Simulation results confirms the good anti-eavesdropping performance on using the proposed non-cryptographic secret code generation scheme. Simulation results also conform with the theoretical analysis and motivate the using of artificial interference on countering eavesdropping attacks.