Andrarums alummill left a great impression in the surrounding forest. The mill required large resources of wood to be able to process alum slate to alum, which meant that the need for wood resources was big. The area around the alummill was given a mark in the terrain in 1730, with 21 large stones placed along the circular periphery, which is called Verkalinjen. The purpose of the study is to investigate the importance of alum production for the forest inside the Verkalinjen. The focus of the thesis was to study the importance of wood consumption during the years when the mill was active. In addition to a general study for the entire area within the Verkalinjen, the study was delimited to the properties Breabäck, Snärpe, Rugeröd and Nybygget. The method and materials used in the essay are studies of historical map material and analysis of documents belonging to the archive at Christinehof. Maps were rectified and digitized in GIS-ArcMap, inside the Verkalinjen and in the selected research area. The result shows that the forest in the study area has decreased greatly between 1684 and 1704, from having been a forest area, to been transformed into a sparse and thin beech forest. The use of the forest has changed over time and the results show that there was a forest shortage in the study area during the 18th century. In the middle of the 17th century, it is believed that the forest in the Andrarums alummill district will never meet the needs of the mill in the long term and it will be difficult for the forest to recover. Replanting, housekeeping and grazing ban take effect, but despite this, an open and woodless landscape emerges during the 18th century, with elements of small islands of forest. The result also shows that the forest has recovered in the early 1900s and there is then a great variety of trees in the area, with both deciduous and coniferous forests.
This thesis focuses on the attitude between nature and the residents of Östra Göinge municipality. The purpose of this research and thesis is to provide a clearer picture of the resident’s outdoor life and relationship to nature within the municipality. In addition, this research considered possible development opportunities in the outdoor life category within the community while also addressing the question of accessibility to green areas. This research used an online survey, distributed on Facebook, to groups linked to Östra Göinge. The results from the survey show that even though the residents of the community are satisfied with the access to green areas in the municipality, they still see development opportunities which will help promote outdoor life in Östra Göinge.
Phosphorus leaking from our fertilized arable land contributes to eutrophication of lakes and seas and travels among other things, with particles from fertilized soil. Straightening of rivers and ditching helps drained water travel quickly from the arable land lakes and seas. To avoid phosphorus leaking there are buffer zones that are placed between the field and the streams with the purpose of captivating the phosphorus. One previous study has shown that a risk occurs for phosphorus saturation on the lands adjacent to the streams (Borggaard, Moberg & Sibbesen 1991; Vought et al 1994; Svanbäck et al 2013).
This thesis aims to see if today’s buffer zones are saturated or can take up more phosphorus and if the difference in the type of soil matter to the result. The effects of pH and organic matter on the phosphorus content are also examined. The soils clay, moraine and sand are studied in this thesis. The work also aims to demonstrate the changes in the landscape and history of the buffer zones.
Soil samples were collected from 15 buffer zones around Kristianstad. The samples were dried, sieved and then shaken with water containing a known amount of phosphorus. Uptake of phosphorus was then measured. Historical and contemporary maps were also studied to see the landscape change.
The analysis showed that nine out of fifteen zones were saturate. The three soil types each had three saturated zones and two unsaturated and the difference was not significant between the soil types. For the soil clay results showed that pH and organic matter content influenced the amount of phosphorus in which, a higher pH, showed a higher phosphorus content and the higher organic matter reviled a lower amount if phosphorus. For moraine results showed same as in clay but the relation between the organic matter and how it affected the phosphorus content was not significant. The result for the sand was that higher pH in the soil resulted to higher phosphorus content. The same effect was seen for the organic matter in sand which means that the phosphorus content rises with higher organic matter.
The buffer zones that we studied occur mostly on land that has been used as arable land for at least 100 years, while others have previously been used as wet- or other meadows or pastures. The areas that have been arable lands a long time have probably been fertilized heavily during the postwar period. Establishing buffer zones may therefore have contributed to recreate the landscape as it was before the rationalization of agriculture in the late 1950s. Buffer zones prevent erosion and help to preserve biodiversity both in the stream and buffer zone. Today's eligible zones may only be grassed but one could imagine future protection zones with salix / tree where the phosphorus is removed through the wood.
Hörneborg ligger på en udde i sjön Hörnsjön i Olofströms kommun i Blekinge län. En utgrävning av borgen gjordes 1997 för att fastställa funktion och ålder. 14C dateringar visade att borgen var byggd cirka 1030-1250 e.Kr. och förstördes genom brand någon gång mellan 1290 och 1420 e. Kr. (Ödman 1997). Enligt historiska kartor är Hörneborg placerad på en ö. Dokument över sänkning av vattennivån i sjön saknas. Förslag till utdikning av utloppet från Hörnsjön finns dock och syftet var att torrlägga omkringliggande marker vid Hörnsjön. Syftet med detta arbete är att sammanställa den litteratur som finns om Hörneborg, tidfästa sänkningen av Hörnsjöns yta och undersöka om det går att korrelera händelser i borgens historia med förändringar i sjösediment från Hörnsjön.
Prover på bottensediment togs i tre profiler från isen på den östra sidan om borgen. Detta för att analysera kol och magnetiska mineral i sedimentet för korrelation med borgens historia. Borgens byggnation och förstörelse verkar inte ha gett några spår i sedimenten. Därför antas att materialet till byggnaden tagits från omgivningen, att byggnaden varit liten och konstruktionen inte orsakat någon större erosion. Kolanalysen visar ett antal små toppar. Dessa är oregelbundet förekommande och kan därför sannolikt inte knytas till borgens brand. Därför antas att branden varit begränsad. Att vattennivån i Hörnsjön sänkts under 1900- talet, beror sannolikt på de utdikningar som gjorts i utloppet för att torrlägga omkringliggande marker.
Den relativt nya tekniken LiDAR har gjort det möjligt att undersöka och kartera landformer på ett mer effektivt sätt än tidigare. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur väl LiDAR-data lämpar sig för att studera de strandvallar som finns i nordöstra Skåne och sydvästra Blekinge. Metoden har mestadels bestått av GIS-arbete i ArcMap, där vi i kartbilderna illustrerat terrängen med terrängskuggning alternativt terränglutning. Det vi fick ut från GIS-metoden har vi sedan kontrollerat ute i fält. Med LiDAR har vi fått en detaljrik bild över strandvallarna. Det har visat sig att terränglutning är den bäst lämpade metoden för det syfte vi arbetat mot. Dessa kartor har sedan gått att jämföra med tidigare forskning om hur strandvallarnas förekomst ser ut. Strandvallarna kan även kopplas till de strandförskjutningskurvor som tidigare gjorts i området. Slutligen kan vi konstatera att LiDAR är en utomordentlig metod för att studera strandvallar.
The attention and interest in LIDAR data has grown considerably during the 2000s. As a well-established distance analysis method, it presents results to study and the critical question is "How good is the result to study?". I several previous publications there often is an uncritical and positive attitude to the technology. Beneficial results are emphasized instead of critical reviews of the whole technology. Early in the process, there are several different aspects, which can be disruptive moments. How the scan of LIDAR is organized, as well as the post-treatment process. The chosen ancient type of fossil arable land can be problematic. The complex systems of the fossil farmland can be hidden with incorrect visualization. Combining altitude models based on Hillshade and Slope prevents the fossil farmland system from being concealed. Another aspect to consider is vegetation. In our question we want to investigate how common types of vegetation affect visibility. We chose to use the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's ground cover data and have looked at three different vegetation types. Spruce forest (outside wetland), Nobel deciduous forest (outside wetland) and Temporary non forest (outside wetland). Of the three vegetation types, Temporary non forest (outside wetland) presents difficulties in visualization, the quality of the ground surface in the height model varies considerably. Spruce forest (outside wetlands) has opportunities, however the results can be varied. Noble deciduous forest (outside wetland) has the simplest material for interpreting, with remains that have not previously been registered with FMIS.
This paper aims to start a discussion about the forest as a producer of quality building materials, where the cultural heritage of planed panels is the gateway to a deeper understanding of future building- and forestry culture in Sweden. Using a qualitative research method, carpenters, foresters and raw materials processors have been asked to give their views on the current situation and the future of sustainable use of forest resources through sustainable construction. The paper aims to give a landscape perspective on experiential construction. Building with wood is regarded as better from a climate point of view than building with concrete. The paper broadens the conclusion that it could even be more sustainable to build with tradition and thus quality timber.
I den nya ämnesplanen för ämnet geografi har momentet GIS fått en allt tydligare plats med centrala mål som skall uppnås i undervisningen. Målen visar på att ett praktiskt arbetssätt, gärna med digitala läromedel, erfordras för att uppnå målen på bästa sätt. Hur ser detta faktum ut i dagens skolor egentligen?
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur lärare på gymnasieskolor bedriver undervisning i momentet GIS. För att få svar på denna fråga genomfördes intervjuer med sex lärare på tre olika skolor som på olika sätt bedriver undervisning i GIS. Resultatet visar på att det finns en rådande kunskapsbrist bland lärare, där stöd i form av utbildning och skolanpassat material rörande GIS är en stor önskan bland lärarna. Generellt är lärarna positivt inställda till GIS och ser möjligheter, men även hinder i form av tid, kunskap och kostnader.
I 2009 og 2010 foretok Kulturhistorisk museum omfattende feltundersøkelser knyttet til utvidelsen av Europavei 18 fra Gulli i Tønsberg til Langåker i Sandefjord i Vestfold. Det har vært mulig å foreta nærstudier av fortidens jordbrukssamfunn, og å gjennomføre et sjeldent tett samarbeid med naturvitenskapelig ekspertise. I bind 1 og 2 presenteres de utgravde lokalitetene, organisert fra Gulli i nord til Langåker i sør. Bosetning, graver og jordbruksspor fra jernalderen har fått en fremtredende plass i presentasjonene. I bind 1 finnes i tillegg artikler om overordnede administrative og metodiske forhold. I det 3. og avsluttende bindet heves blikket, og både naturvitere med kunnskap om arkeologi og arkeologer med kunnskap om naturvitenskap oppsummerer og diskuterer kulturhistorien ut fra et bredt spekter av metoder og innfallsvinkler.