I Can Play! -– Digitally- based musicking with children in need of special supportThis presentation highlights preliminary results from an ongoing action research project in a Swedish primary school. The aim of the project is to develop and test digitally-based musical settings with young children in need of special support. Computers, iPads and synthesizers were used in order to facilitate for the ability of children with physical impairments to perform and create music, alone or in small groups.The theoretical background of the project is to be found in sociocultural educational theories, health theories and musicology. To engage in musicking is to take part in any kind of musical events such as performing, listening, practising or providing material for musical activities. The Zone of Proximal Development describes how the learner with guidance can develop improve his or her social interaction with more competent peers. Physical and psychological tools mediate the world to individuals engaged in practical activities such as musicking.The research method can be described asis a form of action research, inspired by ethnographical methods and performed in collaboration between a music educator and the researcher, inspired by ethnographical methods. Data was collected mainly through participant observations and field notes. Passages of from audio- and video -recordings and field notes were transcribed and analyzed by the researcher and the music educator using a qualitative methodology.The preliminary results of the study demonstrate that even very young children are quite capable to of handling different digitally-based instruments and quickly learn how to use these them for playing and creating music. Open-ended apps seemed to catch the participants’ interest, whereas participants in some cases they soon lost interest in ‘ready-made’ apps. Some of the participants developed improved their musical knowledge using a combination of FigureNotes and digital instruments. Singing into an app with Aauto-Tune inspired the children to sing and use their voices in new ways.The results of the study implicates that a musical setting should be regarded as a combination of cultural, musical, technical, physical, psychological and personal resources. The explored digital tools for performing and creating music that were explored were found to enhance autonomy and latitude with for children in need of special support. This might possibly may be of even greater importance for those of the participating children with who had Swedish as their a second language. Playing music means learning, mastering and developing relationships with music, technology and certainly with other musicians. Furthermore, tTo participate in musicking and to learn music also creates a sense of ownership that holds is of great importance for the individual not only from an educational, but also from a democratic perspective.