This study investigated, usinga iithium salt tracer, how macrophyte species and hydraulic ioading rate (HLR) of wastewater infiuenced hydrauiics in constructed wetiands (CWs). Four piiot-scale CWs received 45 mm/day of pre-treated sugar factory effluent and another four received 110 mm/day.Haif the CWs were planted with Cyperus papyrus and haif with Echinochloa pyramidalis. Resuits showed a significant negative connection between tracer mass recovery and wetiand water leaioges. Aiso, a significant negative reiationship between active wetiand water volume and macrophyte density was detected. Further, a significant effect of HLR on mass removal rates of NH/-N was observed. However, no significant effect of either HLR or macrophyte species on wetland hydraulic parameters was found.
Keywords | constructed wetiand, Cyperus papyrus. Echinochloa pyramidalis, hydrauiic ioading rate, hydraulic tracer study, vegetation