Forskningsmiljön Man & Biosphere Health (MABH) har som målsättning att bedriva bred och samhällsrelevant miljöforskning med stark anknytning till biosfärområdeskonceptet och Kristianstads Vattenrike. Biosfärområdet erbjuder en unik kontext för miljöforskning och under senare år har flera projekt inom MABH utvecklats med Kristianstads Vattenrike som studieområde. Vatten är ett sammanhållande tema inom MABH, vilket är naturligt med tanke på det Vattenrike som omger vårt lärosäte.
Man and Biosphere Health (MABH, is a multidisciplinary research platform at Kristianstad University focusing on the interactions between human impacts on ecosystems, ecosystem functioning and biodiversity, and human health and well-being. The platform was established in 2009 and currently has 29 members from a variety of scientific fields, including microbiology, ecology, and environmental technology/chemistry/education, and has a profile towards applied sustainability research in aquatic systems. The name of the platform connects directly to the UNESCO biosphere programme “Man and the Biosphere”, which consider human populations as an integrated part of the ecosystems. The location of Kristianstad University with the biosphere reserve Kristianstads Vattenrike provides MABH with a unique opportunity to contribute to the supporting functions (which include research) within the biosphere reserve, and to benefit from the manifold activities and practical social-ecological projects taking place. Within its research, MABH collaborates with many societal partners, both local, regional and national, and with businesses, and has a wide international network of collaborators.