Food and Meal Science is an interdisciplinary research and education field at Kristianstad University with a vision to create a sustainable and healthy society. Here gastronomists (BSc in Food and Meal Science) and teachers in home and consumer studies (MSc in Subject Education) are educated. The field include the areas “Nutrition and Health”, “Food Science” and “Food Culture and Communication”. The BSC-programme comprise science, craftsmanship and creativity. Theory is turned into practice through laborative exercises and working life placements. In 2014, the programme was evaluated to be of “Very high quality” by the Swedish educational authority. Approximately 25 gastronomists graduate yearly and find work opportunities within industry, eg innovations and product development and within the public meal sector.Currently, efforts are made to develop a Masters degree programme for students interested in higher education. The research group MEAL was founded 2013. One of the aims is to reach a holistic understanding of food and meals. Research projects include sensory, consumer and nutritional aspects in relation to age, culture and health. Food habits and behavior are of interest as well as sociological aspects. Further key concepts, such as “cooking” and “meal“, are explored from different angles of the field. The research is a key factor in the academisation of the field and will lay a stable ground for education at MSc-level. Food and meal science has a great opportunity to combine and use aspects from the different areas in order to form a holistic understanding within research and education.