The increased global connectivity and increased mobility of both humans and capital have created competition between cities and regions when it comes to attracting resources in order to achieve their developmental goals and place branding is today an important research field. The residents’ view of the place where they live is important for the local authority since it can influence future migration but also affect investment attraction and business migration. A measurement of the place brand satisfaction from a resident’s point of view is therefore an essential performance indicator for places (Insch & Florek, 2008).
In this study it is argued that the product place consists of both service such as schools and libraries as well as more tangible features such as roads and parks and thus offers a good setting for applying a service management perspective. The core of the product place can be regarded as services and as a consequence it is very important that the encounters with the place are characterized by a high service quality. Service management has been discussed together with place branding before (Warnaby, 2009; Ashworh & Kavaratzis, 2010) but to our knowledge without presenting a framework for analysis and the empirical material is very limited. This paper applies a service management perspective in evaluating the resident place satisfaction by using a survey and thus offers new insights to the field.