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Lärares tal och barns nyfikenhet: kommunikation om naturvetenskapliga innehåll i förskolan
Kristianstad University, School of Education and Environment. (Barndom, Lärande och Utbildning (BALU), Learning In Science and Mathematics (LISMA))ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7276-5422
2011 (Swedish)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The aim of this thesis is to generate new knowledge about how children and teachers communicate scientific contents in preschool. The general research question is formulated as: How do the object of learning and the act of learning appear in communication about scientific contents in preschool? This thesis is a collection of three (previously published) empirical studies and takes shape in the encounter between a projected knowledge acquisition task for preschool and the educational tradition of preschool.

The research approach is based primarily on phenomenography focussing on developmental pedagogy. The results are discussed in relation to situated learning and the assumptions about the task of preschool characterising the social practice that is brought to light. The thesis is based on the assumption that teachers are bearers of taken-for-granted ideas about what the ‘good preschool’ is, and that these ideas affect the way they interpret new tasks.

The empirical basis consists of video observations from two preschools working with different thematic projects: Life in the tree stump and How soil is formed. The analysis is delimited to the verbal communication occurring between children and teachers about the scientific content. The children are aged between three and six years. All observations have been transcribed to text and analysed according to the following research questions: Study I: (i) What is communicated as the object of learning in the theme work about natural scientific phenomena in the preschool studied? (ii) What acts of learning appear in the communication of the object of learning? Study II is a re-analysis of the linguistic usage in the empirical data from Study I. Research questions of Study II are: is there any systematic pattern in the use of anthropomorphic speech regarding (i) who uses this language, (ii) when it is used and (iii) what it is used for? Study III is delimited to children’s perspective, and the research questions are: (i) What do children ask about during theme work with a natural scientific process in preschool? (ii) Can any tendency towards change be discerned with regard to what kind of questions children ask in the course of the theme work?

The results have thrown light on what natural science is in these preschools, a questioning teacher, an education ideal as an interpretative framework and children’s meeting with the object of learning. The results are discussed in relation to a feasible didactic perspective based on the educational ideal of preschool and in relation to a critical didactic perspective concerning teachers’ will, courage and competence to make the content visible. Finally, with the implementation of the raised knowledge task for preschool in mind, prominence is given to the need of critical reflection over the role of language as maintaining a discourse and the concepts established.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2011. , p. 137
Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Gothenburg Studies In Educational Sciences ., ISSN 0436-1121 ; 309
Keywords [en]
Early childhood education, Science, Learning, Curriculum, Content
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-9808ISBN: 978-91-7346-706-3 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:563009
Public defence
2011-06-10, Aulan, Högskolan Kristianstad, Kristianstad, 13:00 (Swedish)
Finansierad av vetenskapsrådet/utbildningsvetenskapliga kommittén: Nationell forskaskola i Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik (FoBa), Dnr 721 - 2005 - 2717
Swedish Research CouncilAvailable from: 2012-12-06 Created: 2012-10-27 Last updated: 2016-04-01Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Vad händer med lärandets objekt?: en studie av hur lärare och barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Vad händer med lärandets objekt?: en studie av hur lärare och barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen
2006 (Swedish)Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Det övergripande syftet med detta forskningsarbete är att undersöka hur lärare i förskolan i samtal med barn tar sig an en i Läroplan för förskolan (1998) framskriven innehållsaspekt. Den innehållsaspekt som är i fokus är naturvetenskap. De forskningsfrågor som ställs är: Vad kommuniceras som objekt för lärande i ett naturvetenskapligt sammanhang i förskolan? Vilka akter av lärande framkommer i kommunicerandet av lärandets objekt? Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från fenomenografi och sociokulturell teori, med särskild förankring i utvecklingspedagogisk forskning. Forskningsprojektet genomfördes på en förskoleavdelning med barn i åldern tre till sex år. Situationer med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll har dokumenterats med videokamera. Lärarnas ”intended object of learning” var ’Livet i stubben’. Observationerna har skrivits ut i text med fokus på de dialoger som förekom mellan lärare och barn. Materialet har analyserats utifrån lärandets objekt och lärandets akt. Vid en fördjupad analys används tre nivåer av metareflekterande samtal. Denna analys har som syfte att visa i vilken mån det aktuella objektet synliggörs inom de tre nivåerna. Resultatanalysen av lärandets objekt visar på en variation av samtalstema. Resultatanalysen av lärandets akt har synliggjort ’akter som riktning’ och ’akter som uttryckssätt’. Vad som händer med lärandets objekt i förskolan diskuteras i termer av det meningsfulla sammanhanget, betydelsen av att uppfatta sammanhanget och lärarnas goda intentioner med innehållet. Resultaten pekar på att akter som uttryckssätt riskerar att bli ett redskap för innehållets anpassning till rådande omsorgs-, lek- och lärandepraktik. Avslutningsvis problematiseras lärandets objekt i relation till förskolans bildningsideal och framtida vägval för förskolan diskuteras.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Växjö University Press, 2006. p. 134
Acta Wexionensia. Pedagogik, ISSN 1404-4307 ; 10
Förskolebarn, förskola, lärande, utvecklingspedagogik, naturvetenskap, lärandets objekt, lärandets akt, styrdokument
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-6229 (URN)91-7636-521-2 (ISBN)
Available from: 2010-03-03 Created: 2010-02-18 Last updated: 2021-09-28Bibliographically approved
2. Anthropomorphically speaking: on communication between teachers and children in early childhood biology education
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Anthropomorphically speaking: on communication between teachers and children in early childhood biology education
2009 (English)In: International Journal of Early Years Education, ISSN 0966-9760, E-ISSN 1469-8463, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 137-150Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this study a particular kind of figurative language, so-called anthropomorphic speech, is analysed in the context of science activities in a preschool setting. Anthropomorphism means speaking about something non-human in human terms. Can any systematic pattern be seen with regard to when such speech is used? Do children and/or teachers introduce this kind of talking and how is it responded to by the interlocutor(s)? Of 128 instances of anthropomorphism found, 24 were made by the children and 104 by the teachers. Children sometimes respond in line with the introduction of such speech but they also at times reject this way of speaking. Anthropomorphic speech is discussed as a strategy for the teachers in handling the dilemma of how to connect with children's experiences and terms, on the one hand, and developing children's understanding, on the other hand.

anthropomorphism, early childhood education, figurative language, preschool, science
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-5722 (URN)10.1080/09669760902982331 (DOI)0966-9760 (ISBN)
Available from: 2010-01-15 Created: 2010-01-15 Last updated: 2017-12-12Bibliographically approved
3. Barns frågor under en naturvetenskaplig aktivitet i förskolan
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Barns frågor under en naturvetenskaplig aktivitet i förskolan
2010 (Swedish)In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, ISSN 1890-9167, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 27-40Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sv]

In this study children´s questions during theme work about soil are analysed. Children´s questions are seen as expressions for children´s learning and sense making. Activities in preschool are abserved through video recordings. Twelve children, three to five years are included in the study. The results are presented on the basis of the focus of the children´s questions and discussed in relation to children´s perspectives,  learning and the development of the theme work over time. The results point at children´s questions as important didactic starting points when interacting about a specific content.

Early childhood, Science, Learning, Children’s questions, Curriculum, Content
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-7496 (URN)
Available from: 2010-12-09 Created: 2010-12-09 Last updated: 2012-12-06Bibliographically approved

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