Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is an umbrella domain for many areas of study. This paper will look at those topics of HCI known as affective aspects. Affective aspects investigate emotional responses that the user communicates, both verbally and physically, when working with a computer including before and after the work is done. This paper examines the question of improving pedagogy and curriculum, if teachers are more aware of some HCI affective aspects. Clarified and discussed are three areas of affective aspects known as affordances, constraints, and anthropomorp- hisms. Posited is the need to aim for positive emotions as a learning task goal, as well as increasing positive backwash when working with computers and computer pro- grams, as opposed to any engagement resulting in negative ones. Another aspect con- sidered is how and why a user will give underlying human properties to objects, in this case the technology used. Finally, a reflection is given on how consideration of affective aspects can help teachers imbue technological pedagogy when creating a curriculum for a more positive student experience.