As fundamental components of a language, words are essential for successful language learning. Vocabulary learning strategies thus become a vital important field to be focused on. This investigation is based on the framework of O' Malley and Chamot' s (1990) taxonomy about language learning strategies, which include metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, and social/affective strategies. This study aims at studying the relationship between students' attitudes toward vocabulary learning, their vocabulary learning strategies and their vocabulary level. The participants of this study are fifty English majors from a university in China. A vocabulary test and a questionnaire are used so as to collect data from the investigated students. Finally, this study generates the following results: (1) the students hold a neutral attitude toward vocabulary learning, and they believe vocabulary learning sometimes is interesting, but sometimes not; (2) the students adopt all the three strategies, but cognitive strategies are most frequently used; (3) the correlation analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between the students' attitudes and their strategy use, the strategy use and their vocabulary level; (4) the successful learners are more positive as regards English vocabulary learning, and adopt learning strategies more frequently than less successful learners. Based on the findings of the investigation, some pedagogical implications are provided to suggest teachers encourage and help students to hold an active and positive attitude toward English learning, and introduce more learning strategies to promote the students' English acquisition.