Background: Ill-health related to unhealthy lifestyle is increasing and despite existing knowledge about healthy lifestyle it is difficult to change behaviour. Counselling in the primary health care is often superficial and without critical elements for behaviour change. Aim: The aim of this paper to elucidate interventions for change of lifestyle with respect diet and physical activity. Method: A literature review was carried out and ten scientific articles were analyzed and compiled in two main categories: design of these interventions and participation in them. Results: Education, decision making, goal setting, feedback, social support and follow-up were identified as critical elements for behaviour change. The interventions that all showed positive effects on diet, physical activity or feedback from participants were mainly carried out by dieticians, physicians and registered nurses. The participation was generally high. Interventions carried out in routine primary health care by registered nurses demonstrated participation over 88% and the primary health care nurses were identified as appropriate professionals for the interventions. Conclusion: Multilevel Interventions for change of lifestyle with respect to diet and physical activity should be used for behavioural changes and motivated district nurses constitute an ideal group for conducting interventions in primary health care setting that also permits a natural cooperation with other health professionals.