This essay focuses on attitudes towards multilingualism within the Lower Primary Years classes at the International School of Helsingborg. It examines the existing opinions and attitudes of students and teachers in grades Kindergarten up to grade two. The main aim of this study investigates the attitudes and feelings that the students themselves have towards the linguistically wealthy environment that surrounds them. In addition to this, this study will also focus on how teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and previously acquired knowledge influence the teaching methods used in the classes on a daily basis. Many educators see the difficulties in studying the views that young children may have towards their languages and this is certainly a challenge, however, even children of such young ages are able to reflect upon such matters if the approach is correct and age appropriate. All students and teachers participated in a survey which lays the foundation for this inquiry. This study also takes into consideration the International curriculum that guide this school and the effect this has on the school establishment as a whole. Results show that most of the target students have a positive approach towards multilingualism in general and that teachers at the International School of Helsingborg share this standpoint.
Keywords: Multilingualism, bilingualism, attitudes, internationalism.