Background: Asthma is an illness that many adolescents have today. The symtom can prevent them to live like contemporaries and the development phase they experience makes asthma difficult to get control of. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe adolescent’s experience of living with asthma. Method: The literature review was performed by reviewing nine scientific articles. Results: The categories which developed were social, physical and psychical experiences. Adolescents experienced poor quality of life and their feelings were described with words like fear, anxiety, anger and depression. Physical activities experience troublesome by the adolescents and they experienced support from friends and teachers were not enough. To be like everyone else and experience ego became an expression from the adolescents. Discussion: Experience of physical activities, quality of life, enhanced understanding and adolescents view at the future were discussed with Antonovskys concept of KASAM and integrated with the nurse competence. Conclusion: Adolescents experience of living with asthma is frustration, fear and anxiety. They sometimes don’t medicate because they want to be like their friends. Understanding from friends and teachers could be better. Suggestions for new reaserch are teachers understanding and friend’s apprehension about the person which is suffering from asthma.