The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge about oral health and the experience of
personal and professional oral care among secondary school students. The study consisted of
201 students in eleventh grade from one urban and one rural school in Livingstone and
Sesheke, Zambia. A questionnaire with 34 questions was handed out and collected by the
authors. The study showed a higher knowledge among the students from the urban area
compared to the rural. Most students had received information about oral diseases and oral
care, but a lower number was seen at the rural school. Parents and teachers were the principal
informants. A majority of the students used toothbrush and toothpaste on a daily basis, but
only a minor part of the group brushed at bedtime which is commonly recommended. Many
students had a daily intake of one to five meals, the study showed that females and urban
students had more frequent intakes compared to males and rural students. Almost half of the
students had visited a dentist, but a large number had experienced problems without seeking
care. The most common oral problem among the study population was toothache. Overall,
though the students had good oral habits and rather good knowledge a need for further
information was seen.