Every day in medical care the nurse and the patient meet, they are not just
represented as the care giver and the care taker, but also as two unique
individuals. The meeting is a very important part in caring and few studies have
been made on this topic from the patient.s perspective. The purpose of this study
was to describe the patient.s perspective on the meeting with the nurse. The study
is a literature review, where articles have been reviewed, encoded, and then
categorized. The result builds on our four main categories, confirmed as a unique
indidual, the meaning of the information according to the patient, the humanistic
side of the nurse, and the importance of humor in the meeting. The patients.
experiences of the meeting with the nurse are presented under these categories. To
be treated as a unique individual was the main conclusion of this study.
Furthermore, the information, and how the nurse gave the information, was of
great importance in order for the patient to feel security.