The picture a company sends out is important. Corporate identity, corporate image and the corporate communication are three concepts linked together. The purpose with this dissertation was to examine a corporate movie done by Ifö, a company producing bath and toilet equipment, by looking at its identity, image and communication. A deductive approached was used and in the theoretical framework an introduction regarding marketing was first presented. Further different theories and models were discussed with focus on the Operational model by Gray & Balmer and also the spiderweb developed by Bernstein. This model was also modified to give a clear picture of how Ifö is perceived.
In the beginning of the dissertation an interview was done with the marketing director at Ifö, which was a base for the questionnaire survey. This was distributed to investigate the perception of Ifö from its stakeholders. Different attributes were decided to represent the corporate identity of the company Ifö. The result showed that the stakeholders in general perceived Ifö in the same way as Ifö wanted them to do except in some attributes where Ifö has sent out a more confused picture.