The aim of the present study was to evaluate the recovery of brain function after moderate hypoglycaemla in normal man. Hypoglycaemia was induced by an intravenous infusion of insulin (2.5 mU/kg) in seven healthy right-handed men aged 25.4+1.1 years (Mean • SD). The brain function was evaluated with P300-amplitude after auditory stimulus, reaction time measurements and EEG before, during (2.4+0.44 mmol/l for 70 min) and three times in the recovery period following hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia caused a reduction in the P300-amplitude, a prolongation in reaction time and minor changes in the EEG-activity. 15 min after normalisation of the blood glucose level, the P300-amplitude was lower than during hypoglycaemia and still 1,5 hrs after normalisation of the blood glucose level, there was a marked reduction in the P3OO-amplitude. 4 hrs after normalisation of the blood glucose, the P300-amplitude was restituted. The reaction time was shorter 15 min after normalisation of the blood glucose compared to hypoglycaemia, but was not nermalised until 1,5 hrs after of recovery following hypoglycaemia. The EEG-changes were normalised 15 min after hypoglycaemia.
We conclude that moderate hypglycaemia causes marked effects in P300 and reaction time and that brain function measured as P300 is not restored after 1,5 hrs but at 4 hrs after normalisation of hypoglycaemia.