The need to include sustainability issues in Higher Education represents both a challenge and an opportunity! Being engaged as PRME Champions (Principles for Responsible Management Education), Högskolan Kristianstad has created an arena stimulating new teaching content and activities, and joint research projects with relevant impact for society. We invite participants to share experiences in how to implement sustainability in Higher Education Institutions! The topics are: - The extent to which sustainability can(not) be “integrated” in business programmes curricula - How to find “your best practice” of implementing sustainability - Pros and Cons of moving towards an inter-disciplinary approach - In what ways can(not) business administration contribute to the discussion about sustainable development
Round table held at FEKIS Företagsekonomiska Ämneskonferensen 2019: Företagsekonomins bidrag till en hållbar livsmiljö, Gävle (Sweden), 16-17 October 2019.
Sessionstema: Utbildning