Anomie and collaboration in intelligence and operational police and border guard work in the Baltic Sea area: In-group mentality and construction of the other
2021 (English)In: Hållbar utvecklingSDG 10: Minska ojämlikheten inom och mellan länder, SDG 11: Göra städer och bosättningar inkluderande, säkra, motståndskraftiga och hållbara, SDG 16: Främja fredliga och inkluderande samhällen för hållbar utveckling, tillhandahålla tillgång till rättvisa för alla samt bygga upp effektiva och inkluderande institutioner med ansvarsutkrävande på alla nivåer / [ed] Police University College, Tampere, Finland , 2021, 2021Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
The risks and insecurities emphasised in contemporary societies have given rise to diverse forms of policing, such as transnational, intelligence- and operative-based police collaborations. The purpose of this ethnographic study is to analyse the collaborative work among intelligence and operative personnel from different border authorities in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. The focus of this study is how the collaboration activities created an in-group mentality among the participating officers which was contrasted with another category, that of the “norm-dissolving Russian”. This category included concepts such as being a spy, a criminal and a potential military threat, and became a sort of "Other" that reinforced their own in-group bonds. Intelligence and operative personnel present in the analysed collaborative sequences create their professional identities by contrasting themselves with these categories. They build up a kind of group feeling and present a particular moral order that is created and re-created during their collaborative work. The norm-stable and the threatening norm-dissolving moralities are created within the interaction – especially when meeting work groups that differ from their own normative code. Morality is thus created and re-created in the encounter with people that are associated with being the “enemy”, present in the situation both in physical and invisible form.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
norm resolution, intelligence police work, ethnography, in-group, stereotypes, Russia, enemy, operational police work, morality, identity, field notes, field work, qualitative interviews, document analysis
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22354OAI:, id: diva2:1587801
NORDIC POLICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 8th Nordic Police Research Conference, Police University College, Tampere, Finland, Online, June 14th-16th, 2021
Definitions of successful intelligence and operational police work Successful collaboration2021-08-252021-08-252021-08-27Bibliographically approved