ESPEN 2018 Abstract Submission Topic: Nutritional epidemiology Abstract Submission Identifier: ESPEN18-ABS-1511 ALCOHOL AND DIETARY INTAKE AMONG 70-YEAR-OLDS – RESULTS FROM THE GOTHENBURG H70 BIRTH COHORT STUDIES J. Samuelsson*, 1, A. Zettergren 1, E. Rothenberg 2, F. Ahlner 1, I. Skoog 1 1Neuropsychiatric Epidemiology Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, Centre for Ageing and Health (AGECAP) at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, 2Food and Meal Science, Kristianstad University, Kristianstad, Sweden Rationale: A higher intake of alcohol has been associated with a lower quality of diet. There are indications that alcohol consumption is increasing in older adults, but studies examining the relation between alcohol and dietary patterns in older adults are limited. We aim to investigate the relation between diet quality and alcohol intake in two samples of 70-year-olds examined 2000-02 and 2014-16. Methods: Data was derived from the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies and the Population Study of Women in Gothenburg, Sweden. A total of 1415 individuals participated in the dietary examinations (56% women). Alcohol and dietary intake was determined by the diet history method, estimating total food intake during the preceding three months. Determinants of a high quality diet and values of high and low alcohol intake were based on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. Relations between alcohol consumption and dietary intake were investigated, within each birth cohort stratified by sex, using linear regressions adjusted for energy and BMI. Results: Alcohol intake has increased (p=< 0, 05), 15% of the women and 21% of the men had a higher alcohol intake in the 2000-02 examination and 33% of the women and 32% of the men had a higher intake in the 2014- 16 examination. There were less dietary intake differences in women within both birth cohorts, but the results indicate that men and women with a higher intake of alcohol had a higher intake of energy and fish/shellfish, but a lower intake of carbohydrates, fibre, fruits and vegetables, sweets and snacks (p=<0,05). Conclusions: Preliminary results support the notion that alcohol intake in older adults has increased, but results do not indicate that dietary intake overall is of lower quality in those with a higher intake of alcohol. Further analyses will be conducted and longitudinal data will be added. Disclosure of Interest: None Declared Keywords: alcohol, dietary pattern
Madrid, 2018. Vol. 37, article id P287