The focus on teacher’s pedagogical skills has increased during the last years among Swedish Higher Education National Authorities. This focus is related to the adaptation to Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), a continuation of the statements in the EU “Bologna process". Swedish universities is a late member of this community - regarding the process of the European Union Quality Insurance Model - that has been valid in EU for several years. At the same time-connected to the development described above - there has been a parallel movement at the universities in the country that match the ideas of ESG and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: The implementation of an alternative to the Academic Research career-The Academic Teaching career. Kristianstad University has since 2013 started a Career Plan directed to all teaching staff with a clear focus on development of qualitative teaching in a broad sense. Teachers are encouraged to compile their teaching experiences in a teaching Portfolio. Your pedagogical skills will then be peer reviewed. You may either be promoted as a Skilled teacher (Level 1) or an Excellent teacher (Level 2) in the academic system if judged successfully. A wage raise will immediately turn out for both levels. In order to be able to 242 ISSOTL17: Reaching New Heights use the skills of the rewarded teacher strategically in the organization, the Head of the university has decided to implement an Academy of Teaching. The overall aim for the Academy of teaching is to strive for the wide application of the SoTL idea among the teachers at the university. The presentation will give ideas and examples of the considered benefits, problems and mission of such a group at an organizational level. The following issues has been targeted as the Academy´s main concern, by the University management: Act as a resource developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning culture. Act as facilitators in the development of a research based approach to teaching and learning. Become an acting arena concerning all higher education development at Campus. The presentation will as well highlight issues and processes that might overlap and concern the teaching academy´s relation to other education development functions in the university organization.