A great part of the meals are consumed in institutions like schools, pre-schools, workplaces, and in special care homes for disabled and elderly people. Studies have shown that public meals have a great impact on health, equality in health as well as on individual well-being. However, the experience of these public meals are not thoroughly examined. The purpose of this paper is to provide a broad overview of various creative participatory research methods in order to understand the meal experience among young children in pre-school and people with intellectual disabilities in social institutions. A literature overview has been conducted which is the result of the first part of a collaboration project between Kristianstad University, Sweden and the Copenhagen House of Food, Denmark. Empirical field work is ongoing. The overview showed how researchers during recent years have used a variety of creative visual methods, such as drawings, paintings, photographing and filming, as well as using material props like toys and dolls, in order to understand and visualize experiences, thoughts and ideas. This implies a greater focus on ability rather than lack of ability and on showing rather than talking. This might give confidence to people, which also creates conditions for empowerment. However, studies focusing on the specific meal experience have been limited, especially in relation to people with intellectual disabilities. From this perspective it is important to test and evaluate methods that can provide further knowledge about the food and meal experience, as well as to enable participation in food and meal research.