Problems: The problem is that there is a lack of an academically reliable motivation theory originating from public organizations. However, there are motivation theories that have been tested on a variety of organizations. The fact that many public organizations have performance problems indicates that there is a need for a motivation theory which is applicable to public organization.
Purpose: The prime practical purpose is to compare the perceived conditions within the Chinese civil servant system with western theories of what constitutes satisfying work conditions. A further purpose is to suggest normative hypotheses about how these theories might be used to increase work satisfaction in the Chinese civil servant organization.
Methodology: To test our suggested motivation mechanism we conducted a survey using questionnaire and interview. Our research area is Ningbo and our case is a Ningbo Personnel Department.
Conclusions: The research showed that the modified motivation theories could be used in the Chinese public departments and our created motivation mechanism could be used to improve the working efficiency in Chinese public departments at least in advanced areas.