Background: Every year, 2000 persons in Sweden are diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the most alarming form of skincancer. Sunexposure, sunburns and tanningbed use are the most appearing causes in the development of this disease. The skin of young people is sensitive to UV-radiation and their sunbehaviour could be determinant to their future health. Purpose: To illuminate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents towards sunexposure in the meaning to avoid the development of malignant melanoma. Method: The study was designed to be a literature review, containing scientific articles of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The knowledge of young people towards sunexposure and its consequences are not reflected in their attitudes. During adolescence, a tan is associated with beauty. The appearance and the social approval of friends and peergroups are appreciated values. Sunburns are common, despite the usage of different sunscreens. The personal riskbehaviour is underestimated. Parents and school establish the cooperation, increasing knowledge and contributing changes in attitudes towards sunexposure. Conclusions: The knowledge of adolescents towards sunexposure could be improved, but the attitudes are more complicated to change during adolescence. The prevention of the nursing profession ought to make improvements regarding adolescents to change the future development of malignant melanoma.