The field of complex services contains several actors. First it is the complex service companies that supply a professional service supplier. The professional service provider acts in many cases as a consultant. Secondly, the professional service provider works together with the client to reach a more efficient marketing. That marketing is then directed towards the customer. The customer is the client’s client and the end result.
The purpose with this dissertation is to investigate if it is possible to standardize the working procedure in order to make it as efficient as possible. We choose to investigate this based on interviews with two firms: Marklyss, a domestically operating firm, and GFK, an internationally operating firm. Our limitation is due to the ability to find participating firms.
Based on the interviews, we analysed the collected information through different theories such as 7K and standardization versus adaptation model. This was done to find similarities and differences between the companies. We found that there were some similarities that could be used to create a standardized platform for the working procedure. Also we found some differences that could be investigated further if there is any possibility to find out why and if it is possible to transform it into a similarity.