In 2007 a master programme in (integrative) health sciences at Kristianstad University College was approved by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. The process to secure approval by the Swedish national Agency was extensive and complex. The programme aimed to combine scientific knowledge from various disciplines into a joined body of knowledge geared to both the national and international labour markets in public health, health care and social sectors. The development process incorporated keywords including "interdisciplinary" and "multiprofessional". New innovative working methods were used in this process. A broad engagement with intensive dialogues was developed among the personnel as well as to the surrounding community.
Högskolan Kristianstad beviljades år 2007 rätt att utfärda masterexamen inom området hälsovetenskap. Beslutet hade föregåtts av ett års intensivt arbete med att ta fram underlag till en ansökan. Man satsade på en integration av ämnen för att på ett aktivt sätt möta framtidens behov av personal med mångprofessionell kunskap. Arbetet med ansökan ledde till flera innovativa arbetsformer. Ett brett engagemang med intensiva dialoger skapades, såväl bland den egna lärarstaben som med det omgivande samhället.