Från institution till samhälle: LSU-dömda ungdomars upplevelse av delaktighet i utslussning och eftervård
2011 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
The aim of our study is to gain increased knowledge and understanding of how young people who has been sentenced to closed institutional care experience their own possibility to participate and influence the transition and aftercare, and which, if any, importance they believe this has for their readjustment to society. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews with four young persons, of which three, at the time for our interviews, where in the transitionphase, and one had left the institution a few years ago. The study’s theoretical framework is based on Erving Goffmans theory about stigma and the empowerment theory. We have also used earlier studies within the area to understand and interpret our data. The result indicates deficits in terms of the young people’s possibility to participate and influence the planning and implemantation of the transition from the special home of closed institutional youth care. The youths express a wish to be more involved and be able to influence more, yet at the same time there seems to be an acceptance among the youths concerning the fact that they are not given the possibility to participate, which can be related to a view of themselves as less worthy.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2011. , s. 81
Emneord [en]
closed institutional youth care, SiS, participation, young offenders, transition, aftercare.
Emneord [sv]
institution, unga lagöverträdare, ungdomsvård, sluten ungdomsvård/ungdomshem, särskild ungdomsvård/ungdomshem, samhällsvård, LSU, delaktighet, planering, utslussning, eftervård, Statens institutionsstyrelse, Socialtjänsten.
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-8200OAI:, id: diva2:424812
Social Work Study Programme
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
2011-06-222011-06-202011-06-22bibliografisk kontrollert