Has CSR started to sell? Based on the Covid-19 pandemic: An insight from consumers’ perspective
2021 (engelsk)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this thesis is to explore if consumers evaluate CSR more into their purchase criterion compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic. CSR activities, consumer buying behavior, and CSR as a purchase criterion were combined in a conceptual framework. The consumer decision-making model was used as a framework in consumer buying behavior. In CSR as a purchase criterion, three factors were used to conclude if consumers started to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The empirical data was collected through two semi-structured focus groups. Group A was ensembled through a convenience sampling method but evolved to a snowball effect. Group B was ensembled through a purposive sampling method. The findings indicated that consumers did not start to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The main reason was the financial situation. However, consumers have started to buy more sustainable food, especially locally produced during the pandemic which indicated an increased awareness towards CSR as a purchase criterion. The findings also showed that the Covid-19 pandemic influenced consumers' awareness of CSR but the implemented safety precautions in grocery stores had a limited effect on consumers. The research field of consumer buying behavior in the context of CSR can be complemented with the findings in this study. This study contributed to a deeper understanding of consumer buying behavior and if they value CSR in their purchases during the Covid-19 pandemic.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2021. , s. 71
Emneord [en]
Consumer buying behavior, Consumer behavior, CSR, Sustainable food, Organic food, Safety precautions, Safety, Covid-19 pandemic, Grocery store, Shopping
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22335OAI: oai:DiVA.org:hkr-22335DiVA, id: diva2:1586753
Fag / kurs
International business and marketing
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics
2021-08-242021-08-232021-09-29bibliografisk kontrollert