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Hur reagerar investerare på nyheter omproduktåterkallelse inom bilindustrin?: En eventstudie på bilindustrins aktörer
Kristianstad University, Faculty of Business.
Kristianstad University, Faculty of Business.
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
How do investors react to news of product recall in the automotive industry? : An event study onautomotive industry actors (English)
Abstract [sv]

I takt med att teknologin i nytillverkade bilar blir allt mer avancerad, ökar också antalet produktåterkallelserinom bilindustrin till följd av defekta komponenter. En produktåterkallelse ger upphov till enkostnadsökning för det berörda företaget och bör således ge en negativ effekt på aktiekursen, närmarknadsaktörer tar del av informationen. Det är inom bilindustrin vanligt att biltillverkande företagkontrakterar ut tillverkningen av fordonens komponenter. Den upptrappade outsourcingen frambringarfrågan om vilken part som ska ansvara för återkallelsens kostnader. Studien undersöker med hjälp aveventstudier och hypotesprövningar hur produktionsledets olika aktörer påverkas av information om enåterkallelse inom bilindustrin? Studien har valt ut 39 händelser när ett biltillverkande företag tvingas attåterkalla bilmodeller. Uppsatsens resultat visade att produktionsledets olika aktörer inte påverkas avinformation om en återkallelse, därmed gick det inte heller påvisa att komponenttillverkare drabbashårdare än biltillverkare av en återkallelse. Studiens resultat visade heller inget positivt samband mellanmarknadsreaktionen beroende på återkallelsens storlek, felorsak eller tidpunkten för tillkännagivandet.

Abstract [en]

As the technology in newly manufactured cars becomes more advanced, the number of product recallsin the automotive industry is also increasing due to defective components. A product recall gives rise toan increase in costs for the company concerned and should therefore have a negative effect on the shareprice when market participants consult the information. It is common in the automotive industry for carmanufacturing companies to outsource the production of vehicle components. The escalating outsourcingraises the question of which party should be responsible for the costs of the recall. The study examineswith the help of event studies and hypothesis tests how the different actors in the production stage areaffected by information about a recall in the automotive industry? The study has selected 39 events whena car manufacturing company is forced to recall car models. The results of the paper showed that thevarious operators of the production stage are not affected by information about a recall, so it was notpossible to demonstrate that component manufacturers are hit harder than car manufacturers by a recall.Furthermore, the results of the study did not show a positive relationship between the market reaction dueto the size of the recall, the cause of the withdrawal or the time of the announcement.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 52
Keywords [en]
Capital market reactions, product recall, event study, automotive industry, component manufacturers, contract theory
Keywords [sv]
Kapitalmarknadsreaktioner, produktåterkallelse, eventstudie, bilindustri, komponenttillverkare, kontraktsteori
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-20835OAI:, id: diva2:1450021
Subject / course
Banking and financing
Educational program
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Available from: 2020-07-02 Created: 2020-06-30 Last updated: 2020-07-02Bibliographically approved

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