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Olsson, S.-E. (2014). En myndighet till - skulle det hjälpa barnen?. Kristianstad: Högskolan Kristianstad
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2014 (Swedish)Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Place, publisher, year, pages
Kristianstad: Högskolan Kristianstad, 2014. p. 1
National Category
Social Work
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-12149 (URN)
Available from: 2014-06-17 Created: 2014-06-17 Last updated: 2015-01-19Bibliographically approved
Olsson, S.-E. (2014). Ny myndighet ökar inte barnskyddet. Aftonbladet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Ny myndighet ökar inte barnskyddet
2014 (Swedish)In: Aftonbladet, ISSN 1403-9656Article in journal, News item (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
National Category
Social Work
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-12151 (URN)
Available from: 2014-06-17 Created: 2014-06-17 Last updated: 2015-01-19Bibliographically approved
Olsson, A.-M. E. & Olsson, S.-E. (2013). In search of the voice of children: social workers as allies and gate-keepers. In: : . Paper presented at Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Conference Tromsø, Norway, 7-9 November, 2013. "Staying critical - nurturing democratic partnership in action research".
Open this publication in new window or tab >>In search of the voice of children: social workers as allies and gate-keepers
2013 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

To improve a collaborative work a new institute has emerged in some places in Sweden, the Children’s House (CH), inspired by the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) model. In a CH professionals; police, prosecutors, health care and social services collaborate. One of the guiding ideas for CH is that the child should have to go to only one place during the investigatory process. In an ongoing dialogical participatory action research (DPAR) study the intention is to explore the children’s participation and understanding of CH. The aim is to support and secure a collaborative process with respect for the views of the child where the participating child becomes involved and listened to not only as a victim in an interrogation but as an actor.

In developing evidence-based social work and learning in social work it becomes important that researchers are given opportunity to follow proceedings and listen to different voices including young clients. In the ongoing research project the researchers are participating observing the proceedings in CH and interviewing social workers asking them to mediate contact with participating children and their parents for the researcher. The researchers want to listen to the child’s view about visiting CH, the understanding of the context and the processes before, during and after visiting CH including the process of the social investigation and meetings with social workers.

Several initiatives have been taken to improve participation within the child protection system, among these to develop social workers and social investigation processes from the perspective of being the child’s advocate. Evidence has emerged indicating that the ideas of inviting children into partnership with their social worker, are risking to be superseded by the priority to the forensic interview in CH, conducted by the police. The social workers report and show difficulties in knowing how to orientate themselves in relation to the children. The researcher’s request asking the social workers to invite the participating children and their parents into research collaboration seems to, so far, made the social workers to gate-keepers protecting the children from initiative reminding them of old abusive stories as well as severe proceedings.  


children, dialogical participatory action research, gate-keeping, social work, Children's House, advocay center, barns deltagande, forskning, dialogisk deltagande aktionsforskning, skyddandem socialt arbete, barnahus
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences Social Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-13159 (URN)
Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN) Conference Tromsø, Norway, 7-9 November, 2013. "Staying critical - nurturing democratic partnership in action research"
Barn i Barnahus - tvärvetenskaplig studie ur barnperspektiv
Available from: 2014-11-01 Created: 2014-11-01 Last updated: 2016-04-01Bibliographically approved
Springett, J., Blomqvist, K., Höglund, B., Säthersten Haraldsson, S., Abrahamsson, A., Berg, A., . . . Petersson, P. (2005). Närsjukvård: bakgrund, erfarenheter och pilotstudie. Kristianstad: Forskningsplattformen för utveckling av närsjukvård
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2005 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Närsjukvård är ett centralt begrepp i ett förändringsarbete som för genomförs i nordöstra Skåne för att utveckla hälso- och sjukvårdsväsendet. Det ingår därmed som en av de centrala delarna av Region Skånes vision om hälso- och sjukvård: Skånsk livskraft – vård och hälsa. Syftet med denna rapport är att ge en bakgrund till begreppet (Del A) och att presentera en del preliminära rön beträffande hur olika aktörer i nordöstra Skåne uppfattar begreppet (Del B). Del A ger en översikt kring ursprunget till begreppet Närsjukvård inom ramen för de förändringar i hälso- och sjukvården som sker i Sverige i stort. Den beskriver sedan vilka slags förändringar som har planerats på politisk nivå och som nu håller på att genomföras under detta paraplybegrepp, nationellt, regionalt och lokalt. För detta syfte används statliga dokument och publicerade utvärderingsstudier i stor utsträckning som källmaterial. Denna del ska därför inte ses som en heltäckande översikt. Del B inriktas på att belysa hur långt förverkligandet av idén om Närsjukvård har kommit inom regionen. Avsnittet är en kartläggning av olika aktörers förståelse av Närsjukvård i den nordöstra delen av Region Skåne. Forskningsfrågorna inriktades på hur folk pratade om Närsjukvård, det vill säga på hur de förstod och använde begreppet.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Kristianstad: Forskningsplattformen för utveckling av närsjukvård, 2005. p. 69
Forskningsplattformen för Hälsa i samverkan, ISSN 1652-9979 ; 2005:6
National Category
Nursing Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-6507 (URN)
Available from: 2010-03-30 Created: 2010-03-25 Last updated: 2021-09-23Bibliographically approved

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