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Dessborn, L., Thulin, S. & Fridberg, M. (2021). Att upptäcka naturvetenskap: i förskolan (1ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att upptäcka naturvetenskap: i förskolan
2021 (Swedish)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Den här boken täcker tio övergripande naturvetenskapliga teman inom ämnena kemi, fysik, ekologi, mikrobiologi, geovetenskap och teknik. Innehållet har oftast sin utgångspunkt i vardagsfenomen som barnen själva uppmärksammar. I varje kapitel får man följa barns upplevelser av, frågor om och förståelser för olika naturvetenskapliga fenomen. Genom undersökningar och aktiviteter som är beskrivna i boken utvecklar barnen sina resonemang och får ökade insikter och ett vidgat perspektiv. Boken innehåller inte bara barnens kommentarer utan en dialog mellan barn och pedagog. Genom produktiva frågor och resonemang kopplade till aktiviteter hjälper pedagogen barnen att utveckla en ökad förståelse för naturvetenskap. Dialogen innehåller också lärarens barnanpassade förklaringar för att illustrera hur man på ett enkelt sätt kan göra avancerade naturvetenskapliga fenomen begripliga för barn. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2021. p. 225 Edition: 1
Naturvetenskap, förskolan
National Category
Pedagogical Work Other Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22659 (URN)9789144141435 (ISBN)
Available from: 2021-11-10 Created: 2021-11-10 Last updated: 2021-11-11Bibliographically approved
Leden, L., Hansson, L. & Thulin, S. (2021). Bilderböcker som möjlig utgångspunkt för samtal om naturvetenskapernas karaktär i förskolan. In: : . Paper presented at Nordisk Forskersymposium for Undervisning i Naturfag 2021. Interactive online symposium June 1-2, 2021 NFSUN, Arhus, Denmark.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Bilderböcker som möjlig utgångspunkt för samtal om naturvetenskapernas karaktär i förskolan
2021 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22090 (URN)
Nordisk Forskersymposium for Undervisning i Naturfag 2021. Interactive online symposium June 1-2, 2021 NFSUN, Arhus, Denmark
Available from: 2021-06-24 Created: 2021-06-24 Last updated: 2021-06-24Bibliographically approved
Leden, L., Hansson, L. & Thulin, S. (2021). Boksamtal för att prata om naturvetenskaplig forskning och forskare i förskolan – ett forskningsprojekt i samarbete mellan förskollärare och forskare. In: : . Paper presented at Nationellt nätverk i naturvetenskap: Naturvetenskap för 20-talets förskola – vad, hur och varför? Högskolan Kristianstad, Online, 27 april, 2021.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Boksamtal för att prata om naturvetenskaplig forskning och forskare i förskolan – ett forskningsprojekt i samarbete mellan förskollärare och forskare
2021 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Projektet bygger på en idé om att diskutera forskning och forskare genom att använda boksamtal kopplade till både fakta-böcker och sagoböcker med ett naturvetenskapligt innehåll. Data samlades in genom ljudinspelningar av boksamtal (N=152) i barngrupper (ålder 2-6 år). Boksamtalen leddes av 5 förskollärare som också deltog i fokusgrupper och workshops, vilka också lujdinspelades (N=9). Resultaten från projektet visar på möjligheter för rika diskussioner om vetenskapliga metoder och redskap samt mänskliga och sociala aspekter av naturvetenskap. Resultaten visar också att den sortens samtal var möjliga att föra oberoende av bok-typ, men om boken inte hade några explicita hänvisningar till forskning och forskare behövde läraren hitta andra sätt att rikta barnens uppmärksamhet mot den sorters diskussioner. Vidare visade resultaten att förskollärarna upplevde att boksamtalen gav spin-off-effekter på barnens nyfikenhet, att barnen ställde nya frågor och att de fick ett ökat intresse för egna undersökningar. Resultaten pekar därför på att diskussioner om forskning och forskare har potentialen att bidra till barns egenmakt och agens, vilket i sin tur är viktigt i en verksamhet som byggs upp kring demokrati och rättvisa. Med utgångspunkt i resultaten presenterar vi en didaktiska modell som kan vägleda förskollärare när de introducerar den här sortens diskussioner i sina barngrupper.    


National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22089 (URN)
Nationellt nätverk i naturvetenskap: Naturvetenskap för 20-talets förskola – vad, hur och varför? Högskolan Kristianstad, Online, 27 april, 2021
Available from: 2021-06-24 Created: 2021-06-24 Last updated: 2021-06-24Bibliographically approved
Fridberg, M., Jonsson, A., Thulin, S. & Redfors, A. (2021). Digitalization in early years chemistry and physics. In: : . Paper presented at Nordisk Forskersymposium for Undervisning i Naturfag 2021. Interactive online symposium June 1-2, 2021 NFSUN, Arhus, Denmark.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Digitalization in early years chemistry and physics
2021 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This paper describes an analysis of teaching instances that were part of an in-service preschool teachers programme. The overall aim of the project was – together with teachers – to study model-based teaching and collaborative inquiry learning of chemical processes and physical phenomena in preschool, in relation to an object of learning. Central was the teaching of science in preschool, with particular focus on use of digital tools and the verbal communication as well as obstacles ‘threatening’ the intersubjectivity between teachers and children during learning situations in preschool. Our results show the need for the teacher to address what we call ‘intermediary objects of learning’ and the role of chosen wording andabstract models are emphasised. In addition, the paper highlights different communication categories used by teachers and children during science activities. How the communication varies with e.g. children’s age during teaching will be discussed at the conference.

National Category
Pedagogical Work
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-21939 (URN)
Nordisk Forskersymposium for Undervisning i Naturfag 2021. Interactive online symposium June 1-2, 2021 NFSUN, Arhus, Denmark
Available from: 2021-06-01 Created: 2021-06-01 Last updated: 2021-06-02Bibliographically approved
Hansson, L., Leden, L. & Thulin, S. (2021). Introducing nature of science in early childhood education: results from a project in collaboration with teachers. In: : . Paper presented at The European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Braga, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 2021.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Introducing nature of science in early childhood education: results from a project in collaboration with teachers
2021 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

We report from a project performed in collaboration between researchers and early childhood education (ECE) teachers. The idea of the project was to introduce ‘nature of science’ (NOS) in the ECE setting through using book-talks connected to trade books (narratives as well as expository books). Much research on NOS teaching has been done, but very scarcely targeting the youngest children. The empirical data in this project consists of audio recordings of book-talks (N=152) with children aged 2-6 led by five teachers, audio recordings of focus groups and workshops (N=9) with the teachers, documentation of children’s drawings as well as of artefacts used by the preschool teachers. The results show that discussions about a variety of NOS issues are possible in an ECE context. It also shows that attention can be directed towards NOS during book talks regardless of genre or if the books contain explicit NOS references or not. However, book-talks connected to books without explicit NOS references require that the teacher finds other ways to direct attention towards NOS.  The teachers involved in this project managed to do this with only a short introduction to NOS. This shows that book-talks has great potential as an approach to introducing NOS to the youngest children. The results further showed that the teachers experienced that the NOS book-talks had spin off-effects such as increased curiosity, new questions, and engagement in investigations among the children. These results point to the potential for NOS teaching to contribute to empowerment and agency for the children, and positions NOS as an important part of science in ECE that values democracy and social justice as central. Building on the results, we present a didactical model that can support teachers when introducing NOS to young children. 

National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22619 (URN)
The European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Braga, Portugal, August 30 - September 3, 2021

This work was supported by the research platform ‘Collaboration for Learning’ at Kristianstad University, Sweden [2017-2312-519, 2018-2312-557 and 2019-2312-590]

Available from: 2021-10-21 Created: 2021-10-21 Last updated: 2021-10-22Bibliographically approved
Hansson, L., Leden, L. & Thulin, S. (2021). Nature of science in early years science teaching. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 1-13
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Nature of science in early years science teaching
2021 (English)In: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, ISSN 1350-293X, E-ISSN 1752-1807, p. 1-13Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The research field of science education has gathered questions about what science is, how scientific knowledge is developed and in what ways humans are involved in these processes under the umbrella concept ‘nature of science’ (NOS). Previous research has suggested that teaching ought to focus much more on these issues, but so far the focus has been on older children and students, while there is a lack of research on NOS teaching for the youngest children (up to six years). In this conceptual article,we suggest that NOS should be taught from the outset, and thus be part of science teaching in the early years. We put forward arguments as to why this early introduction coupled to the overall values and aims of democracy and social justice is important, and elaborate on the kind of NOS issues that could be included in science teaching aimed at the youngest children.

Nature of science, NOS, early years science, social justice, democracy, Naturvetenskapernas karaktär, Förskola, Demokrati
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-22363 (URN)10.1080/1350293X.2021.1968463 (DOI)000688346600001 ()

This work was supported by the research platform ‘Collaboration for Learning’ at Kristianstad University, Sweden [2017-2312-519, 2018-2312-557 and 2019-2312-590].

Available from: 2021-08-27 Created: 2021-08-27 Last updated: 2021-09-09Bibliographically approved
Hansson, L., Leden, L. & Thulin, S. (2021). Samtal om ”naturvetenskapernas karaktär” i förskolan med utgångspunkt i bilderböcker. In: Larsson, Andreas, Stolpe, Karin, Höst, Gunnar (Ed.), Forum förforskningsbaserad NT‐undervisning: bidrag från konferensen FobasNT1917‐18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping (pp. 1-176). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Samtal om ”naturvetenskapernas karaktär” i förskolan med utgångspunkt i bilderböcker
2021 (Swedish)In: Forum förforskningsbaserad NT‐undervisning: bidrag från konferensen FobasNT1917‐18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping / [ed] Larsson, Andreas, Stolpe, Karin, Höst, Gunnar, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press , 2021, p. 1-176Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021
Naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik ; 7
National Category
Didactics Learning Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-21715 (URN)cq07xqrc90zvvfk2 (Local ID)9789179297206 (ISBN)cq07xqrc90zvvfk2 (Archive number)cq07xqrc90zvvfk2 (OAI)
Konferens FobasNT19 17-18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping
Available from: 2021-03-19 Created: 2021-03-19 Last updated: 2021-04-21Bibliographically approved
Thulin, S. (2020). Att undervisa naturvetenskap i förskolan (1ed.). In: Camilla Björklund & Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (Ed.), Innehållets didaktik i förskolan: (pp. 63-73). Stockholm: Liber
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att undervisa naturvetenskap i förskolan
2020 (Swedish)In: Innehållets didaktik i förskolan / [ed] Camilla Björklund & Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, Stockholm: Liber, 2020, 1, p. 63-73Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

I förskolan ska barn få möta och bekanta sig med innehåll som rör naturvetenskap, men det naturvetenskapliga kunskapsområdet kan i praktiken få sin tolkning på flera sätt som förståelse för omvärlden och som arbetssätt. Syftet med det här kapitlet är att presentera några didaktiska överväganden att beakta och inspireras av vid planering och genomförande av undervisning som rör kunskapsområdet naturvetenskap.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Liber, 2020 Edition: 1
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-21049 (URN)978-91-47-13983-5 (ISBN)
Available from: 2020-08-24 Created: 2020-08-24 Last updated: 2020-09-04Bibliographically approved
Fridberg, M., Jonsson, A., Redfors, A. & Thulin, S. (2020). The role of intermediary objects of learning in early years chemistry and physics. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(5), 585-595
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The role of intermediary objects of learning in early years chemistry and physics
2020 (English)In: Early Childhood Education Journal, ISSN 1082-3301, E-ISSN 1573-1707, Vol. 48, no 5, p. 585-595Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The overall aim of the present study is to study model-based teaching and collaborative inquiry learning of chemical processes and physical phenomena in preschool, with a specific focus on the verbal communication established between teachers and children (4-5 years old). According to variation theory, learning is always directed at a specific content, called the object of learning. This study aims at highlighting what ‘threatens’ the teacher’s and preschool children’s intersubjectivity during the teaching of chemistry and physics content, and at discussing possible ways to continue the teaching of an object of learning, once sufficient intersubjectivity in a teaching/learning situation has been lost. The result shows the need for the teacher to divide and split a larger object of learning, such as e.g. water purification, into smaller learning steps ‘on the way’ in order to hinder breaks in intersubjectivity that otherwise may arise. We introduce the notion of ‘overarching object of learning’ and ‘intermediary object of learning’, and the intermediary objects of learning identified in this study are categorized as belonging to three different themes: the role of words, the role of theoretical models and science concepts and the role of analogies and abstractions. The teacher’s awareness of intermediary objects of learning as critical aspects for children’s individual learning is crucial for the teaching of everyday science in a preschool setting.

preschool, pre-service teacher education, early years chemistry and physics
National Category
Didactics Pedagogy
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-20233 (URN)10.1007/s10643-020-01016-w (DOI)000549593900006 ()
Available from: 2020-01-07 Created: 2020-01-07 Last updated: 2021-03-12Bibliographically approved
Hansson, L., Leden, L. & Thulin, S. (2019). Teaching nature of science in preschool with a starting point in children’s picture books. In: : . Paper presented at ESERA. Bologna
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Teaching nature of science in preschool with a starting point in children’s picture books
2019 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Bologna: , 2019
NOS, nature of science, preschool, ECE, book talks
National Category
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-20211 (URN)
Available from: 2019-12-20 Created: 2019-12-20 Last updated: 2019-12-23Bibliographically approved

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