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2017 (English)In: PROCEEDINGS 10th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences: exploring future foodscapes / [ed] Bent Egberg Mikkelsen, Kwabena Titi Ofei,Tenna Doktor Olsen Tvedebrink, Annette Quinto Romani, Frantisek Sudzina, Köpenhamn, 2017, p. 392-Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Mayonnaise is an oil in water emulsion, generally produced in high intensity rotor-stator mixers. The taste and texture is appreciated by consumers but local markets value different sensory properties. The effects of processing conditions on appearance, texture and taste are not fully understood. However, it can be hypothesized to primarily depend on mixing intensity (i.e. the rotor tip-speed) and processing time (i.e. the average number of rotor-stator passages)
1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of mixing intensity on the characteristics of mayonnaise.
A standard recipe for mayonnaise was processed in a rotor-stator mixer using two different mixing intensities (rotor tip-speeds of 4.7 m/s and 7.1 m/s). The processing time was chosen to give the same number of average rotor-stator passages for each rotor speed. Sensory properties were profiled using a trained analytical panel
2 in a sensory laboratory (ISO 8589). Texture was measured instrumentally as curdled consistency by back extrusion (TVT Texture Analyzer, Perten Instruments)3.
The higher mixing intensity (7.1 m/s) led to a more yellow appearance compared to the lower intensity (4.7 m/s). It also resulted in higher resistance to stirring when assessed by the panel and a higher Peak Force A (N) and Adhesiveness (J) measured instrumentally. No effect on taste-related sensory properties was found.
By varying the mixing speed the appearance and texture of mayonnaise was affected, a higher mixing intensity led to a more yellow and firm product. The alterations in processing conditions had no effect on the taste of the mayonnaise.
1. Håkansson, A., Chaudhry, Z., Innings, F. Model emulsions to study the mechanism of industrial mayonnaise emulsification. Food and Bioproducts Processing 2016;98: 189-195.
2. Institute SS. Sensory analysis – Methodology – General guidance for establishing a sensory profile (ISO 13299:2016). Stockholm, Sweden: SIS, Swedish Standards Institute; 2016.
3. Perten Instrument Method Description. TVT Method 24-01.01.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Köpenhamn: , 2017
Mayonnaise, emulsification, appearance, texture, taste, rotor-stator mixing
National Category
Natural Sciences Other Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-17057 (URN)
10th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences
Har finansierats av interna forskn ingsmedel Högskolan Kristianstad.
2017-07-272017-07-272017-08-09Bibliographically approved